Creating CNAB Return Occurrence Codes


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

After you submit a delivery file to the bank, the banking institution sends you a return file. The return file contains the bank's response to the requests included in the delivery file.

For each transaction or installment in the return file, the bank assigns one or more codes that identify what occurred to the request. These codes are known as occurrence codes. For example, the code 00 usually means that the payment has been confirmed by the bank.

To store these codes and their meanings, Brazil Localization provides the CNAB occurrence code record. By default, the SuiteApp creates a set of predefined records with the most common CNAB 240 occurrence codes for the following banks:

If a code is missing from the predefined set or you import return files from other banks, you can create your own CNAB return occurrence code records.


Currently, Brazil Localization does not support CNAB return occurrence code records for the 400 and 750 standards.

To create a CNAB occurrence code:

  1. Go to Lists > Brazil Localization > CNAB Occurrence Codes > New.

  2. In the Standard field, select 240.

  3. In the Code field, enter the code that identifies the occurrence in the bank.

  4. In the Description field, enter the description of the occurrence, as provided by the bank.

  5. In the Bank field, select one or more banks that provide the occurrence code on their return files.

  6. In the Resulting Action field, select the action that results from the occurrence code.

  7. Click Save.

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