Creating Terms of Payment for Brazil
To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.
In Brazil, payments can be subject to interest and fine rates. You can set up your term of payment records to account for the interest and fine rates that NetSuite should calculate on late payments.
To create a term of payment for Brazil:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New.
Click Term.
If you want to create a term of payment with installments, check the Installment box.
Fill the relevant information.
For more information, see Creating Terms of Payment and Creating Installments.
In the % Daily Interest for Transactions from Brazil field, enter the percentage of daily interest to apply if the invoice is paid late.
In the % Fine for Transactions from Brazil field, enter the percentage of the fine to apply if the invoice is paid late.
NetSuite applies the fine on the invoice's original amount, prior to interests.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Setup for Payments for Brazil
- Setting Up Fine and Interest Items for Brazil
- Setting Up the Discount Item for Brazil
- Finding Predefined Bank Slip Templates for Brazil
- Creating Bank Records for Brazil
- Creating Banking Information Records for Brazil
- Enabling Payments for Brazil in Custom Transactions
- Creating CNAB Return Occurrence Codes