Integrating Workforce Management with NetSuite


You will need the General Manager access group within WFM to follow the below steps.

To integrate Workforce Management (WFM) with NetSuite, see the following help topics:

Integrating Payroll with WFM

Link WFM with NetSuite so they communicate and sync with one another.

To integrate payroll with WFM:

  1. Go to the stand-alone WFM website at

  2. Go to Setup > Integrations.

  3. If you are using Infinet Cloud Payroll, select SuitePeople or InfinetCloud Payroll.

  4. Enter your NetSuite credentials used to access NetSuite when installing the WFM SuiteApp.

    1. Enter your NetSuite username and password.

    2. From the list, select Production.

    A list of NetSuite accounts the user has access to appears.

  5. Select the correct account that you used to install the WFM SuiteApp.


    This list will only show accounts that have the correct roles assigned.

You have now successfully linked NetSuite and WFM.

The next topic will show you how to map your WFM user to your NetSuite user.

Mapping a WFM User to Enable SuiteSignOn

After linking WFM and NetSuite, map your own user credentials.

To map WFM users:

You have now mapped your WFM user to your NetSuite employee record to SuiteSignOn.

  1. Continuing on from the last step, go to the Staff tab on the left hand side of the screen.

  2. Find your WFM user. Click the searchable text field next to the user and start typing the name of your own NetSuite user that you just set up the integration with.

  3. Select your name from the list.

  4. Click Link.

If you are using the HR or Payroll Manager NetSuite role and you encounter an authorization error when you go to the Process Time subtab, log in with your NetSuite credentials.

After you map your NetSuite employee record with WFM user credentials, you can return to NetSuite and complete the account configuration.

Adding the WFM Portlet in NetSuite

After mapping your WFM user credentials to your NetSuite employee record and returning to NetSuite, complete the setup.

To complete the setup, add the WFM portlet. The portlet lets you access and manage WFM without leaving NetSuite.

You can only add the portlet if the Workforce Management tab is available with the center and role you are using. This tab is available with NetSuite roles using the Accounting Center or the Employee Center. If the tab is not visible, see Troubleshooting Missing WFM Tabs.

To continue adding the portlet, see the help topics:

After the portlet is configured you will see the following subtabs:

  • Dashboard

  • Availability

  • Shifts

  • Reports

  • Process Time

  • Setup

Troubleshooting Missing WFM Tabs

If your NetSuite role uses the Accounting Center or the Employee Center, the Workforce Management tab should appear by default.

If the tab is not available, perform the following actions:

  • If you have lots of tabs, check the right-hand extension menu.

  • Ensure that the SuitePeople Workforce Management SuiteApp is installed. For more information, see Installing the SuitePeople Workforce Management SuiteApp.

  • If you already have the SuiteApp installed and the tab still does not appear, check if it appears in the Center Tabs list for the Center Type that the NetSuite role you use is set to.

To check the Center Tabs list:

  1. Go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs.

    Workforce Management should appear in the list.

  2. If your NetSuite role does not use the Accounting Center or the Employee Center type, add a new center tab.

To create a new center tab, see Creating Center Tabs.

To fill in the New Center Tab page, refer to the following information:

  • Label – Enter Workforce Management.

  • ID – Use the format custcentertab_wfm_center. For example, custcentertab_wfm_customer.

  • Center – Select the center for which you want to add the tab.

  • Content subtab – On the Portlets subtab, complete the following columns:

    • Type – Select Custom Portlet.

    • Portlet – Select Center.

    • Show – Select Yes.

After you save the new tab page, the Workforce Management tab should now be visible. If you have a lot of center tabs, you may see the tab in the dropdown at the right of the menu.

General Notices