Steps for Payroll Day

Follow the steps below before conducting the pay run in SuitePeople or Infinet Cloud to streamline the process and minimise after payroll adjustments.

The Percent Approved Report


It is a best practice to have time approved daily by your managers. The schedule should be 100% actioned/approved prior to processing the payroll.

Locking Periods

After all shifts have been approved, lock the scheduled week(s). This will prevent any previous time approvals from being changed after time has been processed. If approved hours need to be changed, Managers will need to speak with a user who has a Finance Coordinator access or above in WFM to unlock it. A discrete record will be kept of who locked and unlocked the time period for auditing purposes.

To lock a time period:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Click the Shifts tab.

  3. Select Lock Periods.

  4. Click +New locked period.

  5. Fill in the Start and Finish dates for the period you must lock in.

  6. In the Locations section, from the Available Choices panel, select the locations you need to lock. If you want to select all states, click Choose All.

    To move your selections to the Chosen Items panel on the right, click the blue right arrow symbol in the middle of the panels.

    If you want to clear your selected items, click Clear All.

Validating Approved Hours

Payroll preview

Once the above has been completed, you are ready to begin processing your payroll.

Reviewing Exported Data in NetSuite

Once the data has been pushed into NetSuite you should review this data. We recommend setting up a saved search to allow for a quick overview.

For our recommendations on setting up a saved search, take a look at this FAQ: Setting up a saved search to review time exported to NetSuite

Deep analysis and validation -Approved hours report

If extra analysis is required and to help validate potential conditions such as overtime that has been automated in WFM or if you need to manually input a specific number of hours to a pay item that is not linked, run the Hours report for the pay period.

To run this report, navigate through Reports > Shifts > Hours. Once the window opens, select the pay run date range along with selecting the appropriate Locations.

After all of your filter options have been selected click Preview at the bottom of the page. The columns will allow you to view any overtime or other conditions that were triggered during the date range selected. This report will also optionally list the staff’s name, Job worked, Location worked at and total number of hours.

General Notices