Setting Up POS Imports

WFM can import point of sale (POS) data from NetSuite for scheduling.

Before you can set up POS imports, you should complete the requirements.

To set up POS imports:

  1. Configure a saved search for WFM to query for transactions from NetSuite.

    You should create a copy of this saved search before making any changes so that when an update is pushed to the SuiteApp, the update does not override your changes.

    1. Open the list of all saved searches. For instructions, see Accessing a Saved Search.

    2. Locate the customsearch_Adi_transactions saved search.

    3. Edit and save a copy of the saved search. For more information, see Editing or Deleting a Saved Search.

    4. Configure the search to generate your intended results. For more information, see Defining a Saved Search.

      For example, you can include or exclude items, such as gift cards, from the search.

    5. Keep the search tab open and note the ID.

  2. Add a new custom record in the WFM website.

    1. Open the Workforce Management stand-alone website,

    2. Go to the Setup > NetSuite Integration > Configuration > Records.

    3. Click create new custom record

    4. Set the link type to Transaction.

    5. In the Record Type field, enter the search ID noted from NetSuite earlier. It is possible to add additional filters and columns to fetch from NetSuite here, but this is not always required

    6. Set the display name and display name plural to be Transactions or something similar.

    7. In the name field, enter the name. Click Create.

  3. Map the fields from NetSuite to the appropriate items in WFM.

    1. After creating the custom record, click Fields for the record type you created.

    2. Determine the fields you need to pull from NetSuite. For more information about the available fields, see NetSuite Records Browser for Transactions

    3. For each field, specify a purpose and a field name.

    4. Map the fields.

      • Stats location – This field in NetSuite maps to the WFM location where you the data is imported.

      • Date – If you have the sales reported to NetSuite transactions in real time, you can use the datecreated field. Using this field will give you the date and time of the sale, allowing for a 15-minute resolution.

        If your sales get added in bulk at the end of the day or if sales on one day are tracked on a different day, you will need to use either the trandate or saleseffectivedate. Using these fields will only track at a daily resolution.

        You can set up the field for the date or time of the sale as either Date and time of the sale or Date depending on if WFM will get the time from NetSuite.

    5. Stats types – For sales, you shold map these to amounts. Either map to quantity to get the number of items sold or map to internalid to get a count of how many transactions occur during the period.

    6. Additional filters – You may use these to exclude individual items for a sale or to exclude tax lines. You may set up a test to add these.

  4. Click the Linking tab.

  5. From the list, select the option for Transaction from the import only group. Click Save.

    A new menu item for import sales appears. This item lets you import any data not available in WFM or fetch data again if it is incorrect or you have updated the search or mapping. WFM periodically updates sales for today and yesterday throughout the day.

General Notices