Installing the SuitePeople Workforce Management SuiteApp


SuitePeople Workforce Management (WFM) is now available for installation from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

Users of the following Adi Insights SuiteApps should install SuitePeople WFM from the Marketplace to continue using WFM features embedded in NetSuite:

  • Adi Insights (Bundle ID: 317115)

  • Adi Insights – Embedded (Bundle ID: 401708)

In the future, updated releases will only be available with the SuitePeople WFM SuiteApp from the Marketplace.

For more information, see Switching to SuitePeople WFM from the Marketplace.

You should install the latest WFM version available on the SuiteApp Marketplace.

After installing WFM from the Marketplace, you must set up your WFM portlet to work with the new SuiteApp version.

Switching to SuitePeople WFM from the Marketplace

Users of the Adi Insights SuiteApps, Adi Insights (Bundle ID: 317115) and Adi Insights – Embedded (Bundle ID: 401708), should complete the procedure to switch to WFM from the Marketplace.

To switch to SuitePeople WFM from the Marketplace:

  1. Log in to the Administrator role.

  2. Enable the following features. For more information, see Enabling Features.

    • SuiteTalk (Web Services): REST (Web Services)

    • Manage Authentication: OAuth 2.0 and NetSuite as OIDC Provider

  3. Install SuitePeople Workforce Management from the SuiteApp Marketplace. See Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

  4. Grant access to the SuitePeople WFM Integration role to your account and to other employees who oversee authentication. Add this role even if the employees are already assigned the SuitePeople WFM role. See Assigning Roles to an Employee.

  5. Configure NetSuite as OIDC Provider. See Configure NetSuite as OIDC Provider.

    • Integration name: SuitePeople Workforce Management

    • Entities to enable: Click Employees. Check the Select All box.

    • Roles to enable: Check the Select All box.

  6. Edit the SuitePeople Workforce Management integration.

    1. Go to Setup > Integration > Integration Management > Manage Integrations.

    2. Click SuitePeople Workforce Management. Click Edit.

    3. On the Authentication subtab, go to the OAuth 2.0 section.

    4. From the OAuth 2.0 Consent Policy list, select Never Ask. Click Save.

  7. Uninstall the Adi Insights SuiteApps, Adi Insights (Bundle ID: 317115) and Adi Insights – Embedded (Bundle ID: 401708), from your account. See Uninstalling a Bundle.

After successfully completing these steps, you must set up the WFM portlet to work with the new SuiteApp version. See Setting Up the Workforce Management Portlet.

Installing SuitePeople Workforce Management from the SuiteApp Marketplace

Using the Administrator role, follow the procedure to install SuitePeople WFM from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

To install WFM from the Marketplace

  1. Go to SuiteApps.

  2. In the Search field, enter SuitePeople Workforce Management.

  3. Click the SuitePeople Workforce Management tile.

  4. On the SuiteApp details page, click Install. Click OK.

    The installation process begins.

For more information about installing SuiteApps from the SuiteApp Marketplace, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

After the installation, complete the rest of the steps in the Switching to SuitePeople WFM from the Marketplace section.

Setting Up the Workforce Management Portlet

Employees assigned with the WFM Integration and the Payroll Administrator roles can set up the Workforce Management portlet.

To set up the Workforce Management portlet:

  1. Log in to the appropriate role.

    • For customers using Infinet Cloud Payroll in Australia or Canada, log in to the Payroll Administrator (Unlocked) role.

    • For all other customers, log in to the Payroll Administrator role.

  2. Go to Workforce Management.

    If the tab is not available, see Troubleshooting Missing WFM Tabs.

  3. On the upper right corner of the page, click Layout.

  4. (Optional) Select the one-column layout.

  5. On the Custom Content portlet, point to the upper right corner.

  6. Click the More icon. Click Set up.

  7. From the Source field, select SuitePeople Workforce Management.

    The SuitePeople Workforce Management page appears.

  8. Go to Dashboard > Setup > NetSuite Integration > Settings.

    A notification that a new SuiteApp has been installed in your account appears.

  9. Enter your NetSuite email address and password. Click Submit.

    Previous data link and configurations are carried over to your account.

General Notices