Training #4: Find Last-Minute Fill-ins, Drop or Swap Shifts

Phone App Navigation

  • Familiarize yourself with the Phone App. Learn how to view your Shifts, Trades and Notifications

Phone app navigation

Swap Shift: Staff agree on a Swap with Manager Approval

  • If enabled in your account, learn how Staff can Swap Shifts with one another. See the workflow from Staff to Manager, ending in the Manager reviewing the potential cost differences and approving the Swap.

  • In this video, see how the Manager can Deny the Swap request. The Staff is notified and can then choose to pick up a different Shift in return. This will then send the new Swap request to the Manager to Approve or Deny again.

Swap Shift

Fill Shift

  • For instance where a staff can't make their shift or doesn't show up, use WFM or the Phone app to find a fill-in fast. Learn how the Manager can initiate a Fill Shift, taking cost differences in to consideration to make the best informed decision.

Find a shift Fill-in

Drop Shift: Staff initiates a Drop and Staff picks it up with Manager approval

  • If enabled in your account, learn how Staff can initiate a Drop request from the Phone App if they are unable to make their Shift. See the workflow from beginning to end from the Staff initiating a Drop request to the Manager reviewing the request and finding a fill-in.

  • In this video, see how the Manager can deny the Drop request


    This video is shown with Drop Pre-Approval turned on. Turning off Pre-Approval will take out the initial Manager approval. Meaning, when a Staff Drops their Shift it will automatically send a request out to all available Staff. a Staff offers to pick up the Shift, then the Manager will be notified to approve or deny. This configuration can be changed by going to Setup > WFM Phone App.

Drop Shift Approved

Approved Shifts

  • If enabled in your account, Staff can view their Approved Shifts within the Phone App.

  • Take this a step further and allow Staff to confirm or dispute their time with Attestation. [Visit this user manual page on Attestation] to learn more.

Approved Shift

General Notices