Connecting Saved Searches to WFM Sales and Units Data
You can create a saved search with sales and units data and other custom information in NetSuite, then use this search to forecast shift hours and view them in WFM. By setting up forecasting in WFM, you can ensure that hours worked meets your relevant KPIs.
To connect a saved search to WFM sales and units data:
With an Administrator role, create a saved search containing sales and units data that you want to appear in WFM. For more information, see Defining a Saved Search.
For example, your saved search may include, but is not limited to, the following results:
Internal ID
Date Created
Sales Effective Date
Note the search ID of the custom search you created.
In Workforce Management, set up the saved search record to fetch data.
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > NetSuite Integration > Settings.
In the Configure NetSuite page, click Records.
Click +Mirror new record type....
On the Editing record data for new record type window, complete the required fields.
Record type – Enter the saved search ID.
Display name – Enter a name for the record, such as Sales Search.
Link type – Select Transaction.
Icon – (Optional) Select an icon for the record.
Name field – You may leave this as default.
Ordering field – You may leave this as default.
Include sublists – Verify that the box is checked.
Inactive field type – Enter isinactive.
Mirror this record type – Clear the box.
Fetch entire record – Verify that the box is checked.
Click Save.
Add key fields to the saved search record.
On the Records tab in WFM, click fields beside the record type you edited.
On the Fields window for the record, click +Create new field.
Create the four key fields. Refer to the following table for the fields and related configurations.
Field label
Record type
Field name
Stats location
Date and time of sale
Date and time of sale
For more information, see Guidelines for Creating Fields Linked to Saved Searches.
On the saved search results page in NetSuite, confirm that the correct fields are mapped to date and time of sale. For more information, see Accessing a Saved Search.
If the Date and Sales Effective Date columns do not coincide, adjust the field name and purpose for the Date and time of sale field in WFM.
Field name – Change from datecreated to trandate.
Purpose – Change from Date and time of sale to Date and time of sale (aggregated to daily total).
Note:When creating the Date and time of sale field in WFM where times are associated with the sales, you should set the Purpose field to Date and time of sale (aggregated to daily total). With the change, the field will aggregate all data on a daily level.
To ensure that sales and units are created in the correct locations, map the WFM locations to the fields.
Go to Workforce Management..
Go to Setup > NetSuite Integration > Locations.
The Link Location page appears with a list of locations in WFM.
Beside the location you need to link, click to search the corresponding location name in NetSuite.
For each location, click Link.
To view the connected sales and units in WFM, go to Shifts > Weekly.
The table displays the number of sales and units as well as other KPIs. When WFM starts to consistently gather data, you can use the actual sales or units for forecasting and labor deployment.
Guidelines for Creating Fields Linked to Saved Searches
When creating fields, note the following guidelines:
Location – Because you can choose the field and record type, you may use a subsidiary, department, or other custom category.
Sales – By using amount as the field name, the Amount column in the saved search is the figure that is aggregated to get to the daily sales figure.
Units – The field name is quantity because this field sums up the quantity of units sold. If you want to monitor the number of transactions done in a day, you may use internalid as the field name.
Date and time of sale – When the field is set, you can see the date and time of the sale, such as when the record of the sale was created in NetSuite. You can use this data to aggregate that data back up to a 15-minute period.