Estimated Profitability by Project Report
The Estimated Profitability by Project report shows estimated cost, revenue, and profit for projects. The default report shows columns for the following:
Estimated cost =[Estimated Work * Cost] for all project tasks
Estimated revenue =[Estimated Work * Price] for all project tasks
Estimated profit =[Estimated revenue -Estimated cost]
Current time budget
Actual time
Project status
Projects which have all zero values for these columns do not show up in the report.
This report shows all projects, including project templates. If you wish to see only projects and not project templates, you must customize the report.
Estimated cost, revenue, and profit are based on the labor costs and prices entered for each project task. Click on information in any of the columns to open the associated project record. The Financial subtab on the project record has additional information on the figures listed on this report.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you must set your Restrict View preferences to a single subsidiary, at Home > Set Preferences, before you can run this report.
To view this report, go to Reports > Time & Billables > Estimated Profitability by Job.
This report is available only if you use Project Management.
A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.
This report does not support reporting by period even when the Report by Period preference is set to All Reports. The Report by Period preference can be configured at Home > Set Preferences, the Analytics subtab.