Creating a Classification

After creating a wage agreement, you must create classifications, so WFM can assign the correct rates to the specified sets of employees.

Guidelines for Assigning Jobs in a Classification

  • A job escalation is configured when a job is assigned to a classification level.

  • If the employee is assigned a higher classification level on their employee profile, the employee will continue to be paid at the higher classification level.

  • Job overrides only apply when an employee requires a higher rate. That is, the employee will always receive the classification of the higher level. When setting up job escalations, a job should only be assigned to one classification level for the applicable employment status.

  • For example, if you associate the Supervisor job to the classification for full-time employees and chose Level 3 in the previous section, a Level 1 full-time employee who acts as a supervisor for a hectic shift will be assigned this classification and will receive the higher payment rate at level 3 for that shift.

To create a classification:

  1. Open the wage agreement. See Accessing Wage Agreements.

  2. Click the Classifications subtab.

  3. Click + Create new Classification.

    The New Classification wizard opens.

  4. On the Classification Name section, enter a name for the classification. For example, Senior Kitchen Staff.

  5. On the Level section, select the numerical level of the classification, starting from 1.

  6. On the Availability section, complete the requirements, then click Next.

    • Employment status – Check the boxes for all statuses that are included in the classification.

    • (Optional) Jobs that should trigger this classification – Assign a job only if you have employees receiving a higher rate when working a specific job. See Guidelines for Assigning Jobs in a Classification. To configure the job escalation, from the Available Choices panel, select the jobs that match this classification. If you do not need to associate this classification to a job, skip this field.

  7. On the Conditions section, complete the actions, then click Next.

    • Select which conditions will apply to this classification, based on the conditions that currently belong to the agreement.

    • From the list of default conditions, select those that apply to the agreement. Selected conditions are highlighted in green. To exclude a selected condition, clear the box.

    • In this section, you can provide a Penalty Loading for each condition, such as 100% for Regular Hours or 200% for Public Holiday.

    • In the Penalty rate fields assign the percentage of the pay that should apply to the employee’s hourly pay for each condition. The percentages can be relative to the regular rate. The percentages you provide will later be used to calculate the hourly rate for each age range and condition.

    • (Optional) Click and drag each condition to reorder how they appear on the rates table.

  8. If applicable, on the Age Ranges section, complete the requirements, then click Next.

    • Enter the age ranges included in the classification in whole values (20 years). By default, WFM uses ages for Under 18 Years to 20 Years and older.

    • To remove ages, click the stop sign icon.

    • To add ages, click the + icon.

    • To set the loading of each age, enter the rate in the Percentage of adult rate.

    The Rates section appears with a table containing blank fields for the rates of each age range and condition.

  9. In the Regular Hours column, enter the hourly rate for the first age range. For example, you may enter $33 as the hourly rate for the regular hours of employees who are 20 years and older.

  10. To automatically calculate the rates for the rest of the conditions and ranges, click the Expand icon next to the cell.

    WFM completes the rest of the table using the Penalty rates and Percentages of adult rates you entered in the earlier sections.

  11. Confirm all automatically calculated rates to correct any rounding errors or adjust according to your needs. Click Next.

  12. On the Confirmation section, review your previous selections.

  13. If you need to update a selection, click Change beside the section name.

  14. Click Create.

To continue setting up your work agreement, see Setting up a Wage Agreement.

If you need to update or add more conditions, see Managing Conditions in Existing Classifications.

General Notices