Creating a New Brand
Adding a New Brand
On the Workforce Management tab, go to Setup > Brands. To create brand, click New Brand.
The Create new brand page appears.
On the Details tab, complete the fields.
Name – Enter a name for your brand
Logo – If you want to include a logo for the brand, click Browse and locate a graphic file. The file must be SVG, PNG, or JPEG format an no larger than 600x600 pixels resolution.
When you're done setting the details, click Save and continue.
On the Defaults tab, complete the following fields:
Schedule start day: Select which day you would like your week to start. Enter times for when you want each workday to start, shifts to start, and shifts to finish
Shift interval: Shift Interval helps you when creating a shift by snapping to the set times, whether it be to the nearest 15 minute, 30 minute, or 1 hour block. Set the shift interval to 15 minutes as it will allow you greater control when optimizing your schedule.
Break length: The length of the breaks that are automatically placed after a set amount of hours.
Break required after: Simplifies the need to place a break by automatically doing so after a set amount of hours. The Auto add Breaks option allows you to choose whether you want WFM to automatically add a break, or if you would like to do it manually.
After you have filled in all of the areas, click Save.
Default Stats
Setting up default stats will allow you to easily forecast your future sales. This uses sales and units values imported from your POS system to estimate how much you will sell. If you believe that you will sell more or less, you can apply a percentage index on top of the forecasted sales.
The Default to stats from sets the amount of weeks you want to use for a forecast prior to the desired week.
The Rolling average is a more involved way to calculate a forecast by using the average for multiple weeks data to give a better estimate on the predicted profits.
By applying an index to the forecast you can change the result by whether you believe you will make profit or not.
After you have filled in all of the areas, click Save.
Day Parts
Day Parts is a simple way to assess a broken-down chart from a day during a weekly forecast to show when the stores sales peaked.
Select Add New.
Name the first day part, and then select the period that you would like it to cover (Reminder: Day Parts cannot overlap)
After you have created as many Day Parts as you need, click Submit. The bar at the bottom of the screen shows how much of the day has been covered by Day Parts.
Templates is a simple way to inform employees that they are missing essential information from their profile, and to give them a nice welcome message to inform them to update their WFM profile. This can be done over SMS or Email.
Note: Templates is an advance option.
Welcome Email
The welcome email is a way to direct a new employee through the step by step process of setting up their profile with WFM.
From the Templates tab, select Welcome email and edit the subject and content of the template. When you select this option, the available tags you can use are shown on the page.
From here you can customize what the welcome email will say. It can be useful to use important tags when informing an employee on what steps need to be completed.
Missing Details Email
An email can be sent out at any time to an employee to inform them on the fact that they have important information missing from their profile. Missing information may have an impact on their payroll.
From the Templates tab, select Missing details email and edit the subject and content of the template. When you select this option, the available tags you can use are shown on the page.
To customize the email you can use useful tags such as the ones shown on the Templates tab when you edit the template.
Missing Details SMS
If you want to be sure that your employee receives the notification as soon as possible, you can send them a customized SMS.
Text messages are billed in increments of 160 characters, work your message around this to reduce costs.
From the Templates tab, in the SMS section, select Missing details. You can edit the subject and content of the template.
After you have written out the structure for the SMS you can use the helpful tags shown.
In the Locations subtab, you can see all of the Roster Units that are incorporated with this brand.