Adding a New Location in WFM

So you need to add a new location or want to add a new roster in WFM to manage a separate set of employees?

Step 1: Add a new Location

  1. Head to Setup > Location and select Add New

  2. Follow the prompts to add a new Location

Step 2: Configure additional Location settings

  1. If any schedule [settings] are unique to this new roster unit, you need to [set approvers], [set multipliers], or missed a step during the setup phase, make sure these are set up correctly before adding additional employees to the location.

Step 3: Set up Time Clock

  1. [Setup SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows] within Location settings.

  2. [Setup NetSuite Time Clock for Android & IOS] under the Time Clock Config option.

Step 4: Add employees which are available to be scheduled at this Location

  1. During the location creation step, you can add employees which already exist within WFM which already work at another roster unit. You may want to do this if you share a communal pool of employees which work at many locations, or if you are consolidating existing Locations.

  2. [New employees can be created normally] and made available at this new Location. You can also add this new Location to [existing employees] in WFM.

Step 5: Start Scheduling!

  1. the above steps are completed you will be able to provide access and start entering schedules and employees clocking in/out.

  2. Some integrations may require additional linking or setup. Please consult Support if you are unsure if any additional setup is required to correctly integrate the location.

General Notices