Setting Ship Central Preferences
If you have multiple subsidiaries and locations, you can assign preference records to a specific subsidiary. You can also assign each to a distinct location within the same subsidiary. Ship Central provides a standard preferences record, named Ship Central Preference, that applies to all subsidiaries and locations.
Review the requirements and procedures before you set preferences for the following additional capabilities:
To set Ship Central preferences:
Using the Ship Central Manager role, go to Ship Central Setup > Ship Central Preference > Ship Central Preference.
The Ship Central Preferences page appears.
From the Ship Central Preferences List, click New Ship Central Preferences to create another preference record. Alternatively, to update an existing one, click Edit next to its name.
On the Ship Central Preferences page, provide the basic details in the following fields:
Tip:These fields cannot be edited on the standard Ship Central Preference record.
Name – Enter a unique name for the preferences record.
Subsidiary – (Optional) Select the subsidiary to which you want to assign this preference.
Location – (Optional) If you have multiple locations, you can select one within the subsidiary.
Depending on services provided by your carrier, you can set the following fields based on your shipping requirements:
Apply Saturday Delivery on App – To enable the Saturday Delivery setting on order transactions and on the app, you can check this box.
Regardless of your Saturday Delivery setting on an order, you can enable or disable it on the app for the entire shipment. However, note that some carriers may not provide this service for local or international shipments.
On the app, you can view the adjusted shipping cost to include any Saturday delivery charges from carriers. This adjustment to the cost do not reflect when you calculate the shipping cost on the associated order transaction.
Enable USPS Canada Delivered Duty Paid -If you ship to Canada through USPS and want to prepay the delivered duty, you can check this box.
This preference applies automatically to international shipments to Canada through USPS. It may also depend on the shipping service.
Enable 3rd Party Billing for FedEx Ground Collect – If you use FedEx Ground shipping methods, you can check this box. It enables carriers to bill a recipient or third party who uses FedEx Ground COLLECT.
If you use this shipping method to a shipment, the app displays (Billed to Third Party) for the estimated shipping cost.
To set up international shipping for the app, check the Enable International Shipping box, and then set values in the following fields:
Note:These preferences become available and required only when you enable international shipping for the app. Your settings in these fields do not apply to local shipments.
Shipment Contents – Select a content type to identify your international shipments. You can select one of the following types: Gift, Merchandise, Returned Goods, Documents, or Sample.
Non-Delivery Instructions – Select the instructions you want to apply in case of non-delivery. You can select one of the following preconfigured instructions: Return to Sender or Treat as Abandoned.
Charge Tax To – Select whether you want to charge taxes, duties, and other fees to the Shipper or Recipient.
Calculate International Shipping Tax – (Optional) You can check this box if you want to calculate the estimated tariff rate for international shipments.
On the app, this value appears beside the estimated shipping cost after you generate shipping labels.
If you choose to charge taxes to the shipper, on the Tax Identifiers subtab, you can add tax ID types for multiple countries that you ship from. Optionally, you can also add tax ID types if you charge the tax to recipients. Either way, you can do the following:
Click New Tax Identifiers.
In the Name field, enter a unique name for this tax identifier record.
In the ID Type field, select one of the following supported tax ID types:
Tip:Based on the ID type, be sure to enter the corresponding tax ID or registration number on the Company Information page or the subsidiary record if you charge tax to the shipper. If you charge tax to the recipient, correct tax registration numbers must be entered on customer records. For more information, see International Shipping Setup for Ship Central.
VAT – Value-Added Tax identification or registration number
SSN, TIN, PAN, or EIN – taxpayer ID numbers
IOSS – Import One-Stop Shop number
EORI – Economic Operators Registration and Identification number
VOEC – VAT on E-Commerce number
For more information about the tax ID for a country, see Enter Basic Company Information.
In the Issuing Authority field, select the country that provides the ID.
Ship Central obtains the tax ID type, as well as its corresponding tax registration number for the country. For more information, see International Shipping Setup for Ship Central.
Click Save.
To add another tax identifier, repeat this step.
To choose your shipping address validation setting, in the Address Validation field, select one of the following options:
Validate – The default setting that fully validates shipping addresses before you can print labels and ship packages. It includes validation of the Address 1 details and providing a matching shipping address on the app. On the order transaction, you can also fully validate the address when you click the calculate icon for the shipping cost.
Address validation is also enabled if you leave this field blank.
Do not validate – If you choose this option, you can obtain rates, print labels, and ship packages even if the shipping address cannot be found from the carrier’s directory. It disables full shipping address validation on the app and on the NetSuite UI when you click the calculate icon for the shipping cost. It does not verify whether an address is residential. It does not disable basic validation done by the carrier to verify the country, city, and postal code.
For more information, see Shipping Address Validation.
To set up third party or recipient billing for the app, check the Bill Other Parties box.
If you want to add billing accounts of third parties or recipients, on the Other Party Accounts subtab, do the following:
Click Add Other Party Billing to open a new Other Party Billing page.
In the Name field, enter a unique name that does not contain either of these words, customer or company.
For third party billing, this name appears as the billing account name on the app.
In the Customer field, select the name of the customer you want to associate with this billing account.
For recipient billing, this name appears as the billing account name on the app.
Depending on the shipping service or carrier, the billing account applies to all local and international shipments for the customer.
In the Account Number field, enter the account number of the third party or recipient.
In the Country field, select the country code associated with the billing account.
In the Zip Code field, enter the zip or postal code associated with the billing account.
In the Billing Type field, select one of the following options: Recipient or Third Party.
To assign this billing account as the default one for the customer, check the Set as Default box.
In the Shipping Carrier field, select the carrier that provides third-party or recipient billing to associate with the account.
Click Save.
Repeat this step to add another recipient or third-party billing account.
If you use FedEx, UPS, or USPS shipping items enabled with Shipping Label Integration, you can set the following fields:
Shipping Mode – Choose one of the following shipping modes that you want to apply to this preferences record.
Ship Central App Only – The default mode that enables packing and shipping through the Ship Central App. Even if you use shipping items enabled with Shipping Label Integration, you cannot pack or ship the orders directly on item fulfillments.
Integrated Shipping Only – Enables packing and shipping directly on fulfillments for all orders that use the supported shipping items.
Integrated Shipping Per Order – Enables packing and shipping directly on fulfillments for orders of your choice that use the supported shipping items.
Before you change the default shipping mode, be sure to review the requirements and guidelines in this topic Setting Up Direct Packing and Shipping on Fulfillments.
UPS Label Printing Format, FedEx Label Printing Format, or USPS Label Printing Format – Choose either PDF or ZPL as your default format for labels that you generate and print.
If you set the Enable Return Labels preference, the default format also applies to return labels.
For the standard Ship Central Preference record only, to set default package codes, see Adding Package Code Settings.
(Optional) To add flat, discount, or markup rates, see Adding Shipping Item Settings.
(Optional) To add shipment references per carrier, see Adding Shipment References.
To print your default company logo on shipping labels, check the Print Default Logo box.
You must sync the default logo to obtain the path from your ShipEngine account. If you update the logo or select a different default logo, you must resync it. For instructions, see Managing Your Shipping Integration.
To set up return labels for local shipments, check the Print Return Labels box.
Depending on system rules that you activate, you can set the following preferences:
Get Best Rate Shipping-If you activate the Enable rate shopping rule, you can check this box.
When you process shipping through the app, you can choose the Get Best Rate option. It automatically searches for and applies the lowest shipping rate for your shipment. For more information, see Shipping Packed Orders.
Default Shipping Carriers for Best Rate – If you set the Get Best Rate Shipping preference, you can also select a default filter for carriers from which you want to search for the best rate: All Carriers, Current Carrier, or Multi-Package Carriers.
Click Submit.
Adding Package Code Settings
On the standard preference record only, you can assign a default package code to a shipping service, both provided by your carrier. You can assign the same code to multiple distinct shipping services.
When you create or edit the standard preference record, you can add each default package code by doing the following:
On the Package Code Settings subtab, click New Packship – Package Code Settings
On the Package Code Settings page, in the Shipping Carrier field, select the carrier that provides the package code.
(Optional) In the Shipping Method field, select the shipping method you want to associate with the package code.
In the Package Type field, select the package type associated with the package code.
Click Save.
Adding Shipping Item Settings
You can apply either a discount or markup rate to the shipping cost. Alternatively, you can specify a flat rate to replace calculated costs altogether. A rate that you set on the standard preference record applies to all locations. In this case, you can assign them to the same shipping item only for distinct locations specified on your own preference records. For more information about shipping items, see Creating Shipping Items for your Shipping Services.
When you create or edit a preference record, you can add shipping item settings by doing the following:
On the Shipping Item Settings subtab, click New PackShip – Shipping Item Settings.
On the Shipping Item Settings page, in the Name field, enter a unique name for this shipping item setting.
(Optional) In the Customer field, select a customer to which you ship orders.
Ship Central applies the rate on orders that you send to the customer using the shipping item. You can assign another rate to the same customer on a preference record associated with a different location.
In one of the following fields, you can enter a rate:
Tip:If you do not want to charge shipping costs for a shipping item, you can enter zero for the flat rate.
Flat Rate – Enter a positive number, with up to two decimal places.
Rate Discount – Enter a positive number, with up to one decimal place, for the discount percentage.
Mark Up Rate – Enter a positive number, with up to one decimal place, for the markup percentage.
Shipping Item – Select the shipping item to which you want to apply the rate.
Click Save.
Adding Shipment References
You can set up shipment references per carrier that apply to all or specific locations. If you assign references to a carrier on the standard preference record or your own that has no location, they apply to all locations. In this case, you can assign more references to the same carrier only on your preference records that have distinct locations.
Shipping labels display only the first 30 characters of the actual values obtained from these source reference fields.
When you create or edit a preference record, you can add shipment references by doing the following:
On the Shipment References subtab, click New Shipment References.
On the Shipment References page, in the Shipment Reference #1 field, select the source of the reference. Optionally, you can set additional references in the Shipment Reference #2 and #3 fields depending on the carrier.
In the Shipping Carrier field, select the carrier to which you want to associate the shipment references.
On the app, the actual value of each reference appears on shipping labels generated by the carrier. Only the first 30 characters per reference can be displayed.
In the Ship Central Preferences field, you can view the preference record associated with the shipment references. If you create or make a copy from another shipment references record, you can select a preference record.
Click Save.