Defining a Shipping Cost Distribution
You can create shipping cost distributions for shipments that include multiple orders. You can define how you want to distribute the shipping cost across four components, which include the item quantity, item amount, item weight, and item dimension.
For example, you allocate 45% of the cost toward the item quantity and 55% for the item weight. You have a shipment for sales orders associated with the following item fulfillments:
Fulfillment 1: Total quantity =5 and Total weight =15
Fulfillment 2: Total quantity =5 and Total weight =10
Based on your allocation, if the total shipping cost is 75.00, Ship Central distributes and displays it across the 2 fulfillments as follows:
Fulfillment 1: Actual shipping cost =41.625 (45% quantity =16.875 and 55% weight =24.75)
Fulfillment 2: Actual shipping cost =33.375 (45% quantity =16.875 and 55% weight =16.5)
You can create a distribution for sales or transfer orders from each location and for specific customers. If you do not provide your own distribution, by default, Ship Central distributes the shipping cost among fulfillments based on the item quantity only.
If you want to import your shipping cost distributions, you can use the PackShip -Shipping Cost Distribution record type on the Import Assistant. For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
To define a shipping cost distribution:
Using the Ship Central Manager role, go to Ship Central Setup > Shipping Cost Distribution > Shipping Cost Distributions > New.
On the Shipping Cost Distribution page, set values in the following fields:
Name – Enter a unique name for the shipping cost distribution.
Location – Select the location to which you want to associate this distribution.
In the following fields, enter the percentage of the shipping cost that you want to allocate to a cost component: Item Quantity Allocation, Item Amount Allocation, Item Weight Allocation, or Item Dimensions Allocation.
Note:By default, Ship Central allocates 100% for the item quantity.
Mobile Process – Select one of the standard mobile process names to which you want to apply this distribution: ShipCentral_salesOrder, ShipCentral_transferOrder, PackShip_salesOrder, or PackShip_transferOrder. If you create your custom process from any of these, you can select its name to assign it your cost distribution.
Depending on your shipping requirements, you can also set values in the following fields:
Customer – Select the customer to which you want to apply this cost distribution.
Apply to Shipping Cost on Fulfillment – Check this box to display the distributed cost in the both the Shipping Cost and Actual Shipping Cost fields on each associated item fulfillment.
This setting does not update the Shipping Cost field on order transactions.
Click Save.
When you process an order through Ship Central, you can view the calculated shipping cost on the associated fulfillment record. Note that the shipping cost per line item cannot be viewed yet.