Setting Up Units for Pick Decomposition
If you use the Multiple Units of Measure feature, you can set up different units for pick task decomposition. For one or more unit types, you can add up to five units. You must add the base unit and at least one other unit larger than the base unit. For more information, see Pick Task Decomposition.
Units for Pick Decomposition Record
You can create only one Units for Pick Decomposition record for a unit type. It applies to all items that use the unit type. To set up or review your unit conversion and base unit settings, you can access your Units of Measure records. See Setting Up Units of Measure.
If you want to assign pick decomposition units to specific items, you can set them up on item records instead. Pick decomposition considers units on item records before those you set up for all items. For instructions, see Creating Items for NetSuite WMS.
If you do not set up any units, pick tasks can be generated without pick decomposition even if you enable it for a wave.
Pick Per Quantity Setting
On the Units for Pick Decomposition record only, you can enable the Pick Per Quantity setting for large units. Pick decomposition creates more pick tasks than the standard process for pick task generation. Note that it follows the limit of 25,000 pick task subrecords that can be generated for a single wave.
Consider this limit when choosing any of the large units to use for pick decomposition and enabling the Pick Per Quantity setting.
To set up units for pick decomposition:
Go to Lists > Supply Chain > Units for Pick Decomposition > New.
On the Units for Pick Decomposition page, in the Unit Type field, select the type in which the units belong to.
In the Units subtab, do the following:
In the Unit column, select a unit from the unit type.
Optionally, check the Pick Per Quantity box if you want to create one pick task for each quantity of the unit.
Click Add Row.
After you set up the base unit, repeat the steps to add up to four additional larger units within the same unit type.
Click Save.
After you set up units, you can set your default preference for pick decomposition. For instructions, see Setting Warehouse Management Preferences.