Quotes Subtab
These settings configure the behavior of the Quotes feature in Commerce web stores.
More Information: Quotes for Commerce Websites
Show Request A Quote Hyperlink
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -2018.2 and later
This Boolean specifies whether the Request a Quote hyperlink displays. Select to display the Request a Quote hyperlink. The default value is: true.
ID |
quote.showHyperlink |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
RequestQuoteAccessPoint.json |
Hyperlink Text
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -2018.2 and later
This string specifies the text of the Request a Quote hyperlink. The default value is: Request a Quote.
ID |
quote.textHyperlink |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
RequestQuoteAccessPoint.json |
Purchase Ready Status ID
This string specifies the Customer Status that enables a quote to be purchased. This field must match the Internal ID of the Customer Status required for that customer to be able to make a purchase from the quote.
In NetSuite, the Estimate record’s Status field lists all available Customer Statuses for the quote. When the merchant manually changes this field to the Customer Status whose Internal ID matches the Purchase Ready Status ID, all website links to Review or Purchasing pages are enabled. The user can then make a purchase.
More Information: Set the Customer Status Internal ID
ID |
quote.purchaseReadyStatusId |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
ID (pre-Vinson) |
purchase_ready_status_id |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Invoice Form ID
This string specifies Internal ID of the invoice form that SCA uses to generate a sales order using terms.
More Information: Define an Invoice Form
ID |
quoteToSalesorderWizard.invoiceFormId |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
ID (pre-Vinson) |
invoice_form_id |
JSON file |
QuoteSalesorderWizard.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Days Before Expiration Notification
This value specifies the number of days before a quote expires that the expiration notification displays on your web site. The default value is 7. All quotes use the same expiration notification configuration.
More Information: Set Quote Expiration
ID |
quote.daysToExpirationNotification |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Days to Expiration
This value specifies the number of days you want all quotes to remain valid after initial submittal. If this value is 0, the number of days to expiration is determined by the value in the Default Quote Expiration (In Days) field on the Sales Preferences record. See Sales Force Automation Preferences. All quotes use the same expiration configuration. After this time expires, the quote can no longer become a purchase.
More Information: Set Quote Expiration
ID |
quote.daysToExpire |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
ID (pre-Vinson) |
days_to_expire |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Disclaimer Summary
This string specifies the sales representative disclaimer summary that appears under the Order Summary area of the Quote Details page. This message appears if no sales representative is assigned to the quote. What appears on your site depends on how your sales representative information is set up in your account.
More Information: Customize Sales Representative Information
ID |
quote.disclaimerSummary |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
This string specifies the sales representative information disclaimer that appears at the bottom of the Quote Details page. This message appears if no sales representative is assigned to the quote. What appears on your site depends on how your sales representative information is set up in your account.
More Information: Customize Sales Representative Information
ID |
quote.disclaimer |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Default Phone Number for Sales Rep
This string specifies the default sales representative phone number. This phone number appears on the Quote Details page if a sales associate is assigned to the quote, but the phone number has not been assigned. What appears on your site depends on how your sales representative information is set up in your account.
More Information: Customize Sales Representative Information
ID |
quote.defaultPhone |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Default Email for Sales Rep
This string specifies the default sales representative Email address. This email address appears on the Quote Details page if a sales associate is assigned to the quote, but the email address has not been assigned. What appears on your site depends on how your sales representative information is set up in your account.
More Information: Customize Sales Representative Information
ID |
quote.defaultEmail |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Request a Quote Bottom Message
This string specifies the message shown when a quote is requested. The default text is:
“ Once your quote has been submitted, a sales representative will contact you in <strong>XX business days</strong>. For immediate assistance call us at <strong>(000)-XXX-XXXX</strong> or email us at <a href='mailto:xxxx@xxxx.com'>xxxx@xxxx.com</a>"
ID |
quote.requestAQuoteWizardBottomMessage |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |
Request a Quote Business Days
This string specifies the sales representative contact message. The default text is:
“A sales representative will contact you in <strong>XX business days</strong>.“
ID |
quote.contactBusinessDaysMessage |
UI location |
My Account > Quotes |
JSON file |
Quote.json |