Return Authorization Subtab
These settings configure properties related to the Return Authorization feature.
Cancel URL Root
This string specifies a custom domain used to override the domain used to cancel a return authorization.
ID |
returnAuthorization.cancelUrlRoot |
UI location |
My Account > Return Authorization |
JSON file |
ReturnAuthorization.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Return Authorizations Reasons
This array defines the return reasons that are available to the user. Each reason specifies the following properties:
Reason (string) – specifies the text of the return reason. A maximum of 300 characters, including special characters, is allowed.
ID (number) – specifies the internal ID of the return reason. Each item must have a unique ID.
Order (number) – specifies the order of the return reason in a drop down list.
Is Other (Boolean) – specifies if the return reason is Other.
IDs |
UI location |
My Account > Return Authorization |
JSON file |
ReturnAuthorization.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |