Set the Customer Status Internal ID
Configure the Internal ID of the Customer Status to let a customer make a purchase from a quote.
After a customer submits a quote request, any website links to the Review or Purchasing pages are disabled. This prevents customers from making a purchase from the quote before the merchant allows it.
In NetSuite, the Estimate/Quote record’s Status field lists all available Customer Statuses for a quote. When the merchant manually changes this field to the Customer Status with an Internal ID matching the Purchase Ready Status ID field in your site configuration, all website links to the Review or Purchasing pages are enabled. The customer can then make a purchase.
The Customer Status List displays the Internal IDs for all Customer Statuses set up in your account. The Customer Status you choose cannot be a closed status. A closed status is one that indicates the customer either already purchased (100% probability) or will not purchase (0% probability). Open Estimate/Quote records can only be given open Customer Statuses. See Customer Statuses for information about creating a Customer Status.
Before setting the Customer Internal ID, be aware that:
The customer must have the correct Customer Center role permissions. See Give Customers Permission to Request and View Quotes.
The customer must have a shipping address and method defined. See the Marketing topic Setting Preferences on the Customer Record.
The merchant must assign a sales representative to the quote. See Customize Sales Representative Information.
The Customer Status List (Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses) displays the Customer Statuses configured for your account and their associated Internal IDs. You declare the Internal ID of the Customer Status in your site configuration.
If the Internal ID is not displayed in the Customer Status List, see Setting the Internal ID Preference for instructions to display internal ID values in the NetSuite UI.
See the following sample Customer Status List:

You want customers to be able to make a purchase from a quote when the Quote reaches the Qualified Customer Status.
In NetSuite, you set up your account to include the Qualified Customer Status. Go to Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses and see that NetSuite has assigned an Internal ID of 7 for this status. You update the Purchase Ready Status ID field in your site configuration to 7.
After a customer creates a quote on your site, your sales team changes the associated Estimate/Quote record’s Status field to Qualified. The Purchase Ready Status ID field now matches the Customer Status record’s Internal ID. The Review and Place Order button is enabled, and the customer can continue with the purchase. After the customer places an order, the quote becomes a Sales Order record in NetSuite.
For detailed information about working with sales orders and customizing sales order forms, see the Order Management topic Sales Orders.
To configure the Customer Status Internal ID:
Go to Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses.
Note the Customer Status Internal ID you want to use to let customers make purchases from quotes. You will use this Internal ID to configure the Purchase Ready Status ID field in Step 6.
Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.
Select your website and domain and click Configure.
Go to the My Account tab and the Quotes subtab.
Enter the Customer Status Internal ID in the Purchase Ready Status ID field.
Important:The value in the Purchase Ready Status ID field must match a valid Customer Status Internal ID as defined in NetSuite. Leaving this field empty prevents quotes from becoming purchases. The Purchase Ready Status ID field has a default value of 12, which is associated with the Purchasing Customer Status.
Click Save.
To configure the Customer Status Internal ID (SuiteCommerce Advanced pre-Vinson):
Go to Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses.
Note the Customer Status Internal ID you want to use to let customers make purchases from quotes. You will use this Internal ID to configure code in Step 4.
Create a custom module that includes the SC.MyAccount.Configuration object as a dependency. See Create a Custom Module for instructions.
Note:Do not edit the original Configuration.js source file. See Best Practices for Customizing SCA for information and best practices for customizing JavaScript.
This task requires developer experience.
Update the
property in the custom module. Enter the value of the Customer Status record’s Internal ID as noted in Step 2. -
Save and deploy to your site. See Deploy SCA Customizations to NetSuite for more information.