SCIS Integration Subtab
Is SCIS Integration Enabled
This Boolean enables or disables SCIS integration with your Commerce site.
ID |
isSCISIntegrationEnabled |
UI location |
My Account > SCIS Integration |
JSON file |
ReturnAuthorization.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Location Type Mapping Store Internal ID
This string specifies the location-type identifier that Commerce web stores use to associate a transaction with an in-store purchase. 1 =store, 2 =online.
ID | |
UI location |
My Account > SCIS Integration |
JSON file |
ReturnAuthorization.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Location Type Mapping Store Name
This string specifies a descriptive text associated with the property.
ID | |
UI location |
My Account > SCIS Integration |
JSON file |
ReturnAuthorization.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Transaction Record Origin Mapping
This array specifies frontend properties related to what is displayed in a user's account. Each transaction record origin mapping object requires the following properties:
ID (string) – specifies the origin of the purchase record (backend, instore, online).
Origin (number) – specifies frontend properties related to what is displayed in a user's account. This is related to the property.
Name (string) – specifies the text displayed in the Origin column of a user’s My Purchases list.
Detailed Name (string) – specifies the text displayed in the Purchase Details page.
IDs |
UI location |
My Account > Transaction Record Origin Mapping |
JSON file |
MyAccount.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |