Overview Subtab
These settings configure the My Account page settings.
Customer Support URL
This string specifies the URL for your customer support page.
ID |
overview.customerSupportURL |
UI location |
My Account > Overview |
JSON file |
Overview.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Recent Orders Quantity to Show
This number specifies the quantity of recent orders displayed in the My Account Overview page. By default, the last three orders are displayed.
ID |
overview.homeRecentOrdersQuantity |
UI location |
My Account > Overview |
JSON file |
Overview.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Home Banners
This array specifies the banners to display in the My Account area of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce Advanced, and SuiteCommerce MyAccount. You can configure home banners to customize promotions for clients. Each banner requires the following properties:
Image URL (string) – defines the URL of the banner image source.
Link URL (string) – user will be directed to after they click the image.
Link Target (string) – defines where to open the Link URL. Example:
loads the page into a new browser window.
IDs |
UI location |
My Account > Overview |
JSON file |
Overview.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.MyAccount.Configuration.js |
Only one banner is displayed at a time. If you add more than one banner, a banner is randomly selected for display. The selection refreshes when the page is reloaded.
Public URLs
This array of strings specifies your publicly-available URLs. For more information, see Set Public URLs.
ID |
overview.publicUrls |
UI location |
My Account > Public URLs |
JSON file |
PublicUrls.json |