Text Enhance

Text Enhance uses generative AI to assist you with writing business content in NetSuite. It can help you create and refine content, as well as make your content the right length for your needs.

Text Enhance uses information from the page you are editing when it generates content. For example, when you use Text Enhance to generate a sales description for an inventory item, it uses information such as the item name, vendor description, display name, and stock description from the inventory item page. Text Enhance can also help you write different item descriptions for the same item, depending on how you will use the description. For example, when you use Text Enhance to generate text for the Purchase Description field of the Purchase/Inventory subtab, the generated text can include different details and even a different tone than what Text Enhance generates for the Sales Description field of the Sales/Pricing subtab.

Example of using the Enhance Text menu on the Sales Description field of an inventory item record.

A free learning path for Text Enhance is available on NetSuite MyLearn. Take the AI in NetSuite learning path to learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite and how to use Text Enhance. You can also access the learning path from the NetSuite MyLearn home page: search for AI and then choose AI in NetSuite from the search results.

Using Text Enhance

Text Enhance actions are available for the entire field when you click the Enhance Text button. You can also apply supported Text Enhance actions to content you select in fields where Text Enhance is available. For example, if you are working on an email message and only want to revise part of the email message, you can select the part you want to revise and a menu displays the available actions.


Text Enhance is:

  • Enabled by default, but can be disabled by users with an Administrator role.

  • Available for accounts located in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United Arab Emirates (when hosted in Amsterdam or Frankfurt data centers), the United Kingdom, and the United States.

  • Available for users whose language preference is set to English (International), English (AU),English (CA), English (UK), English (U.S.), and Japanese language icon (Japanese) for accounts in supported locations.

  • Available for assisting with English and Japanese language content only.

  • Available to any user with access to a page where Text Enhance is available (no additional permissions are required).

To Use Text Enhance:

  1. On the page where Text Enhance is supported, complete the required fields. You can also add additional details that you want Text Enhance to use into the field with Text Enhance.

  2. The field with Text Enhance displays the Enhance Text Enhance Text menu button. This button displays the options for enhancing text in a field. button. Click the button to display the available actions.

  3. Select an action. Available actions may include one or more of the following:

    • Generate: Using information that you have already entered, Text Enhance generates text appropriate for the field.

    • Clean Up: Text Enhance refines the existing text. This option corrects grammar and spelling errors, and it may also rephrase some text to use effective style and tone. Only available when there is text in the field.

    • Make Shorter: Text Enhance shortens the text. Only available when there are more than 200 characters (about three sentences) in the field.

    • Make Longer: Text Enhance takes the text entered in the field and expands it into well-written business prose. Only available when there is sufficient space in the field (less than half the field's character limit).

    • Undo: Reverts the last Enhance Text action and changes the content to the field’s previous content. To go back to an earlier result, choose Undo again, until you get back to the result you want. Text Enhance stores its previous results while you are working on a page.

    • Redo: Restores the last Enhance Text action and changes the field's content to what it was before you selected Undo.


    On first use, Text Enhance displays a confirmation message to inform you that you are using an artificial intelligence (AI) feature. The message is as follows: "Text Enhance is an AI feature that generates content for your use. Your data may be processed globally according to the Oracle Services Privacy Policy." Click the link if you want to view the policy, which opens in a new web browser tab or window. Click OK to close the message and continue the Text Enhance action that you selected.

    To complete an action, Text Enhance uses data from the required and optional fields that you have already completed. The system displays the new or updated content in the field when the action has finished.

  4. Review the content carefully and refine it as desired. Optionally, you can click Enhance Text again and select another action. You can also make your own changes manually and override any text provided by Text Enhance.


    Always read the Enhance Text content carefully before you save your changes to the page. Generative AI services, such as Text Enhance, use creativity in their responses. A person should always validate the generated content for accuracy and quality.

  5. When you are finished, click Save.

To Use Partial Text Enhance:

  1. Add content to a field that has Text Enhance. Fields with Text Enhance display the Enhance Text Enhance Text menu button. This button displays the options for enhancing text in a field. button next to the field.

  2. Select the text you want to modify.

    The partial Text Enhance menu is displayed. The Clean Up action is available by default, but you may see other actions available if they are configured for your NetSuite account.

  3. Select an action from the partial Text Enhance menu.

    If you select Clean Up, Text Enhance refines the selected text. This option corrects grammar and spelling errors, and it may also rephrase some text to use effective style and tone.

  4. Review the content carefully and refine it as desired. If you want to undo the partial action, click the Enhance Text Enhance Text menu button. This button displays the options for enhancing text in a field. button, and then select Undo. You can also make your own changes manually and override any text provided by Text Enhance.


    Always read the Enhance Text content carefully before you save your changes to the page. Generative AI services, such as Text Enhance, use creativity in their responses. A person should always validate the generated content for accuracy and quality.

  5. When you are finished, click Save.

Tips and Troubleshooting

When enhancing text, keep in mind the following:

  • If you want to start over or remove the text, you need to clear the field manually. You can revert to the original content by using Undo or by canceling out of the page.

  • If you choose another action from the Enhance Text menu, the text in the field will be replaced completely. Use Undo or Redo to move between previously generated content.

The following table lists potential Text Enhance issues and their associated solutions:



You don't see the Enhance Text button next to any text area fields, even after you type text into the fields.

Your NetSuite account location, the language setting in your personal preferences, and your company's Text Enhance preferences setting all affect whether Text Enhance is available for you. See the note at the beginning of the Using Text Enhance section for Text Enhance availability information.

You selected text in a field with Text Enhance, but the menu with partial Text Enhance actions was not displayed.

Partial Text Enhance actions for the field may have been inactivated in Prompt Studio. A NetSuite user with an Administrator role can confirm whether this has occurred.

You can't select Generate from the Enhance Text menu.

Generate is available only when the required fields on the page are completed. Complete the required fields and try again.

You can't select Clean Up from the Enhance Text menu.

Clean Up is available only when there is text in the field where you are using Text Enhance. Add content to the field and try again.

You can't select Make Longer from the Enhance Text menu.

Make Longer is available only when there is sufficient space in the field (less than half the field's character limit). Remove some of the content from the field and try again.

You can't select Make Shorter from the Enhance Text menu.

Make Shorter is available only when there are more than 200 characters (about three sentences) in the field where you are using Text Enhance. Add more content to the field and try again.

You can't select Undo from the Enhance Text menu.

Undo is available only after you have already completed a Generate, Clean Up, Make Longer, or Make Shorter action.

You can't select Redo from the Enhance Text menu.

Redo is available only after you have used the Undo action.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "Sorry, text enhancing is currently not available. Please check your internet connection and try again. If the issue persists, contact NetSuite Customer Support."

This error may occur if you have an internet connection issue. It may also occur if there is an issue with NetSuite or with the generative AI service. If the issue persists, contact NetSuite Customer Support. For more information, see NetSuite Support.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "Enter the following fields before enhancing text:" and a list of one or more fields.

The fields required for Text Enhance are a subset of the required fields on a page. Complete the required fields and try again.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "The last request is still in process. Please wait for it to finish. "

You may see this message if you try another action while Text Enhance is still processing the previous action you selected. Wait until the field updates with the generated text, and then try the action again if needed.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "Response has timed out. Please try again."

You may see this message if the generative AI service doesn't respond to NetSuite within the allowed amount of time. Try the action again. If the issue persists, contact NetSuite Customer Support. For more information, see NetSuite Support.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "Text Enhance is at capacity. Please wait and try again."

You may see this message when NetSuite is trying to handle many requests for Enhance Text actions made at the same time.

When you click the Enhance Text button, you receive the message, "Monthly quota of Text Enhance requests has been met."

Your account has reached its monthly usage limit, so Text Enhance will not be available until the next month. Users with an Administrator role can verify account usage by viewing the Text Enhance subtab on the AI Preferences page.

For more information, see "View Text Enhance Usage Limits" in the Manage AI Preferences section.

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