Filtering Data on Reports

On the Filters page of the Report Builder, or Financial Report Builder (for financial statements), you can choose filtering options to narrow your report data. You can choose to include some of these filters as dropdown menus in the report footer, to enable users to change filters as they are viewing the report. You can define custom filters or select from a list of predefined filters. Pre-defined filters include Show Zeros and Web Store Sales Only. For a complete list, see Predefined Report Filters.

When multiple filters are applied to a report, NetSuite shows only transactions that meet all criteria. For example, you can enter 3 filters – Date equals 10/23/2001, Sales Territory equals Southeast and Transaction Type equals Invoice. NetSuite will translate your filters in the following way – Date equals 10/23/2001 and Sales Territory equals Southeast and Transaction Type equals Invoice. Only transactions that match all three criteria will show on your report.

The Report Builder and Financial Report Builder support the definition of filters based on primary key fields for components and their subcomponents.

For more details, see the following:

For tips for working with report date range filters, see Customizing Report Date Range Filters .


For financial statements, use the Financial Report Builder to define filters. A Filters page is available; see Financial Report Builder Filters Page. However, you are likely to use section criteria more frequently to filter financial statement data. By default, section data is filtered by account type. In the Financial Report Builder, you can add filters by class, department, location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. See Financial Statement Sections.

Adding Custom Filters to a Report

To add custom filters to your report :

  1. Click Customize in the footer of the report.

  2. On the Report Builder (or Financial Report Builder) page, click Filters.

  3. In the Add Fields pane, select the field you want to filter the report by.

    You can locate the field by browsing the list in the Add Fields pane or type the name of the field in the Search Fields name and click Search.

    When the field is selected, a line for that field is automatically added to the list of filters displayed in the Choose Filters panel.

  4. In the Values column, select the filter conditions you want to apply to the field. Filter options are dependent on the type of field selected.

  5. If you want the filter in the Values column to be included in the report footer, mark the box in the Show in Filter Region column. See Displaying Custom Filters in a Report Footer.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 to add more filters to your report, if needed, then click Save.

Custom filters selected on the Filters page of the Report Builder.

Displaying Custom Filters in a Report Footer

Any custom filter can be added to the footer of your report by marking the box in the Show in Filter Region column. See To add custom filters to your report : step 5. The Show in Filter Region column displays Yes alongside all filters that will be added to the report footer. For all other filters the column will remain blank.

Some predefined filters are considered essential to the report, and such filters are always included in the footer. For these essential filters, the Show in Filter Region column automatically displays Yes and cannot be edited by users. By default, new filters added to a report are not included in the footer.

The layout of the filter selector in the report footer is determined by the Filter Field selected for the Value column of the filter.


For the Average Cost filter, you select the Filter Field between, as shown in the screenshot above. The footer will display two text boxes (Average Cost between xx and xx) -as shown in the screenshot below. If you selected the Filter Field less than, the footer would display only one text box (Average Cost less than xx).

Custom Inventory Valuation Summary example.

Predefined Report Filters

You also can click More Options to select from a list of predefined filters, like the following:


The predefined filters available will differ according to the report you are viewing.

Note about Filtering on Address Fields

Its important to not that when filtering by address-related fields in reports, a record can have multiple address rows, rollups may include duplicate rows that lead to incorrect calculation of report column totals. For example if you filter customer results based on state, each customer may have multiple addresses that satisfy the state filtering criteria, and duplicate results per customer could lead to incorrect calculations of report column totals.

To avoid this type of issue, you need to define a more exact filter, for example:

Either of these options would only return a single address, showing the correct amount for the customer.

Removing a Custom Filter from a Report

To remove a custom filter from a report:

  1. Click Customize in the footer of the report.

  2. On the Report Builder (or Financial Report Builder) page, click Filters.

  3. In the Choose Filters pane, click the X next to the filter you want to remove.


    Only custom filters can be removed. For the filters that are essential to the report, the X icon appears dimmed.

  4. Click Save.

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