Exporting a Saved Report as an Excel Web Query
You can export a saved report as an Excel Web Query. When the report is exported, data can be refreshed from within Microsoft®Excel with the latest information from your NetSuite account.
Web Query functionality is not available for financial statements. You will not see the Allow Web Query option for the following reports: Income Statement, Income Statement Detail, Comparative Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Balance Sheet Detail, Comparative Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Budget Income Statement, Budget Income Statement Detail, Budget vs. Actual, Cash Statement, and Cash Statement Detail.
To create an Excel Web Query:
Start the Report Builder by clicking Customize on any report or by clicking Edit next to a report name on a list of saved reports.
On the Report Builder page, click More Options.
Check the Allow Web Query box.
Click Save.
Verify that you want to overwrite the previously saved version of the report.
If you do not want to overwrite the previous version, you can save the report with a different name. Click Cancel, rename the report and click Save As.
After the report runs, select Export-Excel Web Query in the footer.
The report is saved as an .iqy file.
In the File Download window, you can click Open or Save if you are running on a PC. If you are running on a Mac, save the file.
If you have saved an .iqy file on a PC, you have to double-click it to get it to run in Microsoft®Excel.
If you have saved an .iqy file on a Mac, you must first start Microsoft®Excel, then manually import the file by going to Data > Get External Data > Run Saved Query, and selecting the .iqy file.
When the .iqy file opens in Microsoft®Excel, in the Enter Parameter Value window, enter the email address you use to log in to your NetSuite account (or if you did not create the Web query, the email address of the user who did), check the option if you want, and click OK.
Your data is loaded into Microsoft®Excel.
You can click Refresh Data to retrieve the latest data from your NetSuite account.
Checking the Use this value/reference for future refreshes box enables you and any other user who can access the report to refresh this report from within Microsoft®Excel indefinitely without having to reenter an email address. The only way to deny future access is to not check this box, remove the check from the Allow Web Query preference, or delete the saved report.
If you plan to send a Web query to other users, be aware that IP address rules may prevent them from accessing it. For example, if IP address rules are defined for you when you create a Web query, other users logging in from different IP addresses cannot access this query. For information about these rules, see Enabling and Creating IP Address Rules.
When a user accesses a Web query created by someone else, an inconsistency in usage information occurs in login audit trail information and related saved searches. The user name is recorded as the creator of the saved report exported as a Web query, but the IP address is the address of the other user accessing the query.
If you export a report as an Excel Web Query (.iqy) file when you are logged in using SAML Single Sign-on, this file may fail to retrieve data from NetSuite. In this case, you need to log in to NetSuite using the NetSuite login page and export the report again.
Check that you are not breaching your organizations security policy before distributing .iqy files to other users. The files are personalized and generated for your use only. A recipient of such a file would have the capability to run the report at any time in the future and see the same live data that is available to you – even if the recipient’s role would not normally give them access to such data. The only requirement to view the report is the login details (email address) used when creating the report. This address could be guessed by the recipient.
Related Topics
- Report Customization
- Report Builder Interface
- Report Customization Permission
- Adding, Removing, or Reordering Report Columns
- Formatting Numbers on Reports
- Filtering Data on Reports
- Sorting Data on Reports
- Setting Additional Options for Custom Reports
- Arranging Data on Summary Reports
- Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting
- Sharing Custom Reports with Other Users
- Example Report Format Changes
- Saving a Custom Report
- Deleting a Custom Report