Report Customization Permission

You are able to customize reports only if you have the Report Customization permission. This is located on the Reports subtab under the Permissions subtab of the role definition page. Without this permission, no Customize links appear on reports that you view. You have this permission when it has been assigned to the role you are using, or if Global Permissions are enabled in your account, when it has been assigned directly to your employee record. To learn which standard roles have this permission, see Standard Roles Permissions Table. To learn how administrators can assign a global permission, see Using the Global Permissions Feature.

The Report Customization permission applies only to reports to which you have access. You cannot customize reports that you cannot run.

Each NetSuite permission can have one of the following access levels assigned when the permission is assigned to a role or to an employee: VIEW, CREATE, EDIT, FULL. If the permission is not assigned, the role or employee has an access level of NONE for that permission. For information about what these access levels mean generally, see NetSuite Permissions Overview.

For the Report Customization permission, access levels work as follows:

You should assign a level of FULL when the Report Customization permission is assigned.


Use the Financial Report Builder to customize financial statements. Use the Report Builder to customize all other reports. For more information, see Financial Report Builder.

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