Using Multi-Select Options in Report Footer Filters
Some filter options in report footers offer the possibility to select multiple values.

Selecting Values for a Multi-Select Option
Select multiple values by pressing and holding the Ctrl key, as you are selecting individual values from the list.
Select multiple consecutive values by pressing and holding the Shift key, as you are selecting the first and last values in a range from the list.
Select all values by checking the All box. (see the note below about the difference between checking All and manually selecting all values).
Checking the All box is NOT the same as manually selecting all values in the list. For example, if you checked the All box for an option that had 5 possible values, and later on an additional value was added to the list, then your report would now include all 6 values. If you had selected the 5 values individually, the new additional value would not have been included in your report.
Unchecking the All box will result in the first item in the list being selected.
Displaying Multi-Select Option Values in a Report Footer
Each multi-select option displays one of the following values in the report footer:
All -the All box is checked and all possible values in the list will be included in the report (the default setting).
Multiple -more than one value from the list has been selected, and possibly all values have been selected (see the note above about the difference between checking the All box and manually selecting all values). You can hover the cursor over the box to see a full list of the selected values.
Selected value -if only 1 value has been selected then it will be displayed in the option box.
In the previous screenshot only the Legal, New Business, and New Business: Medium classes will appear in the report.
All multi-select options in standard reports have the operator ‘any of' appended to the field name. It signifies that all records matching any of the selected values will be included in the report. In custom reports it is possible to create multi-select options that have different operators.