Sharing Custom Reports with Other Users
In NetSuite, all users with permissions for a report's underlying records can access a custom report. However, to locate the report, users would need to search for it or know the report's URL. To make a report more accessible to other users, you can specify an audience with whom to share the custom report. The audience for your custom report can run that report by going to Reports > All Saved Reports. For information, see Saved Reports Page.
This behavior also applies to the Administrator role. Users with the Administrator role are unable to see all the reports if:
they are not included in the report audience
the report is owned by another user
Users in the audience who have the Edit or Full level of the Report Customization permission can edit the custom report definition and save it with a different name. (Only the report owner and the account administrator can edit the report definition and save it with the same name.)
Account administrators have access to all custom reports.
Defining a Report Audience
To define an audience for your report:
Click Customize in the footer of the report you want to share.
On the Report Builder (or Financial Report Builder) page, click More Options.
In the Audience fields, choose an audience for your report:
You can select options from any or all of the following audience types. For each of the audience types below you can select multiple options by holding down the Ctrl key when making your selection.
Roles : Select a role or multiple roles to share your report with. To share this report with all users in your account, check the All Roles box.
Departments : If you have selected any role(s), you can also select departments to share your report with.
Subsidiaries: Select the subsidiaries you want to share this report with.
Groups : Select a group to share your report with.
Employees : Select an employee or multiple employees to share your report with. To share with all employees, check the All Employees box.
Partners : Select a partner or multiple partners to share your report with. To share with all partners, check the All Partners box.
Click Save.
If you select both a role and a department, the user must be assigned the role and be a member of the selected department to access this report. If you select a group, employee, partner, or any of the above, the user must be a member of the group or be the employee selected or be the partner selected to access this report. The relationship between Audience groups can be defined as:
Audience =(Role AND Department) OR Group OR Employee OR Partner
You can select role(s) but not department(s). However, if you want to select department(s), you also need to select at least one role.
Extending Report Permissions to your Entire Audience Using the Access Tab
Users in the selected audience can only run a shared custom report if they have permission for the standard report on which the custom report is based. This restriction protects you from accidentally granting report access to users that do not have the necessary permissions.
Administrators can extend custom report access to users who would normally not have permission to run the report. If you are an account administrator, the More Options page of the Report Builder (and Financial Report Builder) has an Access subtab, in addition to the Audience subtab. On this subtab, you can define the users and groups to whom you would like to extend report access.
Administrators can provide users or a role with the Granting access to reports permission, which enables other users to view their reports. Users with Edit, Create, or Full access (or above a View level) can make use of the Granting access to reports permission and will have access to the Access tab in the Report Builder. In the Access tab, the user can give access to other user’s for the specified report.
You can select access options by using the same options described in To define an audience for your report:.
This action may grant access for some users whose access to report data would normally be restricted. Before you extend access ensure that no sensitive or restricted data is included in the custom report.
For more information about permissions required for reports, see Permissions for Reports.
Related Topics
- Report Customization
- Report Builder Interface
- Report Customization Permission
- Adding, Removing, or Reordering Report Columns
- Formatting Numbers on Reports
- Filtering Data on Reports
- Sorting Data on Reports
- Setting Additional Options for Custom Reports
- Arranging Data on Summary Reports
- Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting
- Exporting a Saved Report as an Excel Web Query
- Example Report Format Changes
- Saving a Custom Report
- Deleting a Custom Report