Portlet Types Table
The following table describes content available for display in dashboard portlets, and notes how you can set up content after adding portlets to your dashboard.
Not all content is available on all pages. To see the content that is available for a specific page, click Personalize in the upper right corner of the page or Personalize Dashboard in the Settings portlet. The Personalize Dashboard panel lists the content you can add. Portlets have task links, in some cases, including a Set Up link, available under icons in their upper right corner. For details, see Setting Up Dashboard Portlet Content.
For most content, you can display one portlet per dashboard on a standard NetSuite tab. The table explicitly notes content that can be displayed in multiple portlets. Custom NetSuite tabs may have multiple portlets with other content as well.
Content |
Description |
Bank Reconciliation Summary |
Lists your bank and credit card accounts and displays the key data for matching and reconciliation activities. Information for each account includes the currency, GL account balance, last reconciled balance, last reconciled date, bank (imported) statement balance, bank (imported) statement date, and the number of items that require matching. To view the Bank Register Report for one of the listed accounts, click the hyperlinked account name. If your user role has the permissions for the Reconcile Account Statement page, this portlet is on your dashboard by default. If you remove it, the portlet is available in the Personalize Dashboard panel. For details on account reconciliation, see Bank Data Matching and Reconciliation. |
Analytics |
(Can display up to 10.) Shows one workbook chart, pivot table, or table view per portlet. In the portlet, click Set Up to select a workbook visualization from the list. You can also define layout options for the displayed portlets, such as the portlet title and specific options for charts, pivot tables, and table views. For more information, see Workbooks. |
Calendar |
Lists activities for a selected period ordered by date and time, with links to drill down into individual activity records. In the portlet, you can select between a daily, weekly, monthly, or agenda view. You can choose to display your own calendar or a public calendar for another entity within the organization. You can click the Set Up menu option for the portlet to display a popup where you can define the types of activities to display in the calendar. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon
The Calendar portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more details, see Calendar Portlets. |
Custom Portlet |
(Can display up to six.) Shows results from a portlet SuiteScript, which can be lists, data entry forms, free-form HTML, or links to external data. In the portlet, click Set Up to select the source file for the SuiteScript results.
The Custom portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual script to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For information about creating scripts, see SuiteScript 2.x Portlet Script Type. |
Custom Search |
(Can display up to six on the Home page.) Shows results from a saved search. In the portlet, click Set Up to select the saved search, specify a custom title for the portlet, the number of results to display, whether to drill down into search results in the portlet or on a new page, and, if the Inline Editing feature is enabled, whether to enable inline editing of search results. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon
When placed in the right or left columns of a dashboard, custom search portlets display only the first 4 results columns of the saved search. When placed in the center column, they display the first 9 results columns. Custom search portlets also include New, Edit, and View columns with links for each result record.
The Custom Search portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual saved search to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more details, see Displaying Saved Search Results in Dashboard Portlets. |
Goals |
Shows actions to take on goals and an overview of goals that are in progress. You can view your own goals that are starting soon, due soon, and overdue. You can also view the progress and time elapsed for your top three goals in progress. If you are assigned as a supervisor to at least one employee in NetSuite, you can view goal information for your direct reports. You can view goals that require approval or reflection and goals that are overdue. As a manager, you can also view the progress and time elapsed for your direct reports’ goals in progress. For more information, see Viewing Goals in the Goals Portlet.
To use the Goals portlet, the Performance Management feature must be enabled in your account. For more information, see Goal Management and Performance Reviews. |
KPI Meter |
(Can display up to three.) Shows up to three graphical meters of key performance indicator (KPI) data. The KPI meter also displays the currency symbol of the data for values represented by currencies. In the portlet, select a KPI to display from the dropdown list. Click Set Up to select date range(s), highlighting, and comparison options. You also can click menu options to print the KPI meter or download it to a PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG file. Choices of KPIs for a meter are limited to the KPIs displayed in the dashboard's Key Performance Indicators portlet, plus the following: Actual vs. Forecast, Actual vs. Quota, and Forecast vs. Quota.
The KPI Meter portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual saved search to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more information, see KPI Meters. |
KPI Scorecard |
Shows a performance scorecard with comparisons of selected key performance indicator (KPI) data. In the portlet, click Set Up to select a KPI Scorecard and layout options. For more information, see KPI Scorecards. |
Key Performance Indicators |
Shows key business metrics. These metrics are summary data from reports or saved searches for selected date ranges, with options to show comparisons between date ranges and to highlight results not meeting defined thresholds. You can define up to eight KPIs as headlines. Each KPI headline appears in bold and is represented in a trend graph. The lower panel lists the rest of KPIs. You can collapse and expand the list of KPI as needed. In the portlet, click Refresh to refresh all KPIs, or click the Refresh icon next to an individual KPI to refresh one at a time. If available, click the Trend Graph icon next to a KPI to view a popup trend graph of KPI data. Click Set Up to select standard KPIs or custom KPIs based on custom saved searches. You can define comparison and highlighting options, and define the appearance of popup trend graphs. The KPI Portlet can be displayed in a wide or narrow column. If the KPI portlet is shown in a narrow column, the headlines are not represented in a trend graph due to the compact format of the narrow column. You can view a popup trend graph by clicking the Trend Graph icon next to a KPI in the list of KPIs, if available. This option is enabled by default.
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual saved search to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more information, see Key Performance Indicators. |
Links |
Shows links to pages that NetSuite has defined as related. This portlet is available on the Activities, Cases, Customers, Lists, Reports, and Transactions pages. Unlike other portlets, which are column-oriented and sorted top to bottom, the Links portlet is row-oriented and sorted left to right. |
List |
Shows a list of records of a selected type, with links to view, and if you have permission, to edit, individual records. Shows 9 columns when placed in the center column of the dashboard; shows 4 columns when placed in the right or left column. In the portlet, click Set Up to select a type of record and the number of records shown. If the Inline Editing feature is enabled and you have permission, you can edit records directly in the portlet. See Using Inline Editing. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon
On some tabs, the available List portlets are configured to show predefined types of records. For example, the Activities page offers Tasks and Phone Calls list portlets.
The List portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual list view to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. |
My Login Audit |
Shows information about your login activity. You can display the My Login Audit portlet on your dashboard to track your previous successful login, your previous failed login, the IP address associated with your login activity, the date when your password will expire, and other login information.
The date and time displayed in the My Login Audit portlet is based on the Time Zone preference you set on the General subtab at Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see General Personal Preferences. For more information, see My Login Audit Portlet. |
New Release |
Shows a summary of new features from the latest release of NetSuite, with links to more detailed descriptions. |
Phone Calls |
Shows a list of upcoming phone calls, with links to view, and if you have permission, to edit individual records. In the portlet, select a view and a sorting method, and click Set Up to define the number of phone calls shown. If the Inline Editing feature is enabled and you have permission, you can edit records directly in the portlet list. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon For more information, see Phone Calls Portlet. |
Project Tasks |
(Available when the Project Management feature is enabled. To learn how to enable Project Management, see Enabling Project Features.) This portlet is available on the Projects tab. Shows a list of project tasks with links to view, and if you have permission, to edit, individual records. Shows project tasks assigned to you and other project resources, In the portlet, select a view and a sorting method. Click Set Up to define the number of tasks shown. For more information, see Tasks and Project Tasks Portlets on Your Dashboard. |
Quick Add |
Shows a form where you can quickly add records of a selected type. In the portlet, click Set Up if you want to change the type of records to be added. For more information, see Quick Add Portlet. |
Quick Search |
Shows a form where you can quickly search for records of a selected type, using one selected filter field and entered keywords. In the portlet, click Set Up to define the type of records to search, then enter keywords in the portlet's text box and select a field name from the Search For dropdown list.
The Quick Search portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more information about Quick Search, see Quick Search Portlet. |
RSS/Atom Feed |
(Can display up to two.) Shows RSS or Atom feed URL content, from an external website or HTML document. In the portlet, click Set Up to select display options and a URL. NetSuite provides several standard RSS feed URLs, or you can choose Custom and enter another URL. For more information, see RSS/Atom Feed Portlets. |
Recent Records |
Shows a list of records that you have recently created, modified, or viewed. In the portlet, click the record to view it. If you have permission, an Edit link is also available. You can click it to open the record in Edit mode.
Recent record links are also listed in a menu under the clock icon, to the left of the Home tab on every NetSuite page. For more information, see Recent Records Portlet. |
Recent Reports |
(Available on the Reports tabbed page.) Shows a list of reports that you have recently created, modified, or viewed. In the portlet, click the report name to view the individual report. |
Reminders |
Shows important tasks of selected types, usually that are past due or soon due to be completed. In the portlet, click Set Up to select types of reminders and to define the number of days in advance that reminders should be shown. Click on a reminder to go to the page where action needs to be taken. For more information, see Setting Up Reminders. |
Report Snapshots |
(Can display up to 10.) Each added portlet provides a graphical or list summary of a selected standard or custom report's data, with a link to view the underlying report. In the portlet, you can select a date range for data and click thumbnails to choose among chart types for graphical data. You can click Set Up to select the type of display and other layout options, including chart themes. You also can click menu options to print the report snapshot chart, download it to a PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG file, or view the underlying report results. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon Report snapshot list text truncates at 25 characters when the report snapshot portlet is in the left or right dashboard column. To avoid this truncation, place the portlet in the middle column. Report snapshot list amounts are rounded to the nearest whole number and do not display decimal places. For more information, see Report Snapshots. |
Saved Searches |
Shows the top ten saved searches in your account, including the run time and the number of users who have accessed the search during a specified period. In the portlet, you can sort the searches that are displayed according to the most requested, most timeouts, most users, or highest run time. For more information, see Using the Saved Searches Portlet. |
Scheduler |
(Available on the Activities page.) Shows an interface where you can view others' schedules and add activities.
This portlet cannot be removed or modified. In the portlet, you can select the date and use the View Group dropdown menu to select others' schedules. Click the buttons to create new events, add invitees or resources. |
Search Form |
Shows a form to search for records of a selected type. Filter fields are based on system-defined defaults or a custom search form that you defined as preferred. In the portlet, click Set Up to select the search form to be used. Click Full Search to switch to the default search page for the selected record type. Click Edit to open the definitions page for the selected search form and make edits. See Adding Personalized Search Forms to NetSuite Pages.
The Search Form portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. You can also use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual saved search to another of your accounts. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. |
Settings |
Shows links to user-level setup tasks.
The contents of this portlet are system-defined. This portlet cannot be removed or modified. For more information, see Settings Portlet. |
Shortcuts |
Shows links to selected pages, so you can go to frequently used pages quickly. In the portlet, click Set Up to reorder the listing of existing shortcut links or click New Shortcut to add a shortcut, if you know the URL of the page. If you do not know the URL, go to the upper right corner of that page, and then from the More list, select Add to Shortcuts. For more information, see Shortcuts Portlet. |
SMT Links |
The Site Management Tools Links portlet shows links to all available domains in your administrator role. In the portlet, use the dropdown menu to choose from your available websites. After you have chosen the website, you can choose to Preview or Edit any of the available domains. For more information, see SMT Links Portlet. |
Tasks |
Shows a list of upcoming CRM tasks assigned to you, with links to view, and if you have permission, to edit, individual records. In the portlet, select a view and a sorting method, and click Set Up to define the number of tasks shown. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon For more information, see Tasks and Project Tasks Portlets on Your Dashboard. |
Trend Graphs |
(Can display up to five.) Shows up to three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a single chart with time-based X axis. In the portlet, click thumbnails to choose among different chart types. You can enter a title for your portlet to quickly identify it. You also can change the graph's X axis scale by selecting different time intervals from the dropdown list. Click Set Up to select the KPIs to be graphed and layout options, including chart themes. You also can click menu options to print the trend graph chart or download it to a PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG file. Additionally, you can expand the portlet to full-screen view by clicking the double arrow icon
The Trend Graph portlet is supported by the Copy to Account feature. If the portlet is included in a published dashboard and the dashboard is copied to another account, the portlet is also copied. For more information, see Copy to Account and Copying a Published Dashboard to Another Account. For more information, see Trend Graphs. |
You can set chart theme preferences that define the default look and feel for dashboard charts, including report snapshots and trend graphs. The Chart Theme preference sets the shape and colors for chart data. The Chart Background preference sets the display behind the data. See Personal Preferences for Appearance.