Shortcuts Portlet
The Shortcuts portlet contains links that you can click for access to your most frequently used records, transactions, lists, and reports.

These same links also appear as options on the shortcuts menu, the star icon , on the navigation menu.

You can add, remove, and change the order of shortcut links in the Shortcuts portlet and shortcuts menu. You can also set up shortcuts to open linked pages in new windows. Any changes you make are applied to both the Shortcuts portlet and the shortcuts menu options.
For instructions on how to add the Shortcuts portlet to a page, see Adding a Portlet to a Dashboard.
If you have added the Shortcuts portlet to more than one page, the portlet always maintains the same links on every page. Any changes you make to the Shortcuts portlet displayed on one page are applied automatically to the Shortcuts portlet displayed on any other page and to the menu options listed on the shortcuts menu.
Adding Shortcut Links
You can use either of the following methods to add a link to the Shortcuts portlet and shortcuts menu. Go to the page where you want the shortcut link to go, and then from the More list, select Add to Shortcuts. Or go to the Shortcuts portlet itself, and click New Shortcut.
To add a shortcut from the page where you want the shortcut to go:
Click the star icon
on the navigation menu and select Add to Shortcuts.
Edit the name for the shortcut link. By default it is the name of the page.
If you want the linked page to open in a new window, check the Open in New Window box.
Click Save.
To add a shortcut from the Shortcuts portlet:
On the Shortcuts portlet, click New Shortcut on the portlet menu.
Enter a name for the shortcut link.
Enter the URL for the page. (If you do not know the page's URL, go to the page and use Add To Shortcuts on the page instead.)
If you want the linked page to open in a new window, check the Open in New Window box.
Click Save.
Setting Up Shortcut Links
In the Set Up Shortcuts popup window, you can remove, reorder, and rename shortcuts. You can also indicate that they should open in new windows.

To remove a shortcut:
Click Set Up in the Shortcuts portlet menu or the Set Up Shortcuts option on the shortcuts menu to open the Set Up Shortcuts popup window.
Clear the Enable box next to each shortcut that you want to remove.
Note:Shortcuts that were created when a dashboard was published for you appear with asterisks. The publisher may have restricted these shortcuts so that you cannot remove them.
Click Save.
To reorder shortcut links:
Click Set Up in the Shortcuts portlet menu or the Set Up Shortcuts option on the shortcuts menu to open the Set Up Shortcuts popup window.
Click the shortcut row to select it. The selected row is highlighted and has a drag gripper, outlined in red below.
Drag the shortcut row where you want it or use the Move to Top or Move to Bottom buttons.
Click Save.
To indicate that a shortcut's linked page should open in a new window:
Click Set Up in the Shortcuts portlet menu or the Set Up Shortcuts option on the shortcuts menu to open the Set Up Shortcuts popup window.
Check the Open in New Window box next to the shortcut name, and click Save.
To rename a shortcut link:
Click Set Up in the Shortcuts portlet menu or the Set Up Shortcuts option on the shortcuts menu to open the Set Up Shortcuts popup window.
Change the name in the Label field, and click Save.
The Shortcuts portlet may contain duplicate links if your administrator has published a dashboard with links that match the custom links you have added. To eliminate duplicates, remove your own custom links.