Viewing Goals

Employees can view their own goals. Managers can view their own goals and the goals of their direct reports. Employees and managers can also use the Goals portlet to view their own goals and the goals of their direct reports. Goals that are closed for three months no longer appear on the Goals page, but you can still view them on the All Goals page.

Viewing the Goals of Your Direct Reports

If you are a manager, you can view the goals of your direct reports. You cannot create or edit goals for your direct reports, but you can provide feedback by adding comments to their goals. You must approve your direct reports’ planned goals before your direct reports can move the goals to in progress. For more information about approving goals, see Approving Goals.

To view the goals of your direct reports:

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Goals.

  2. From the My Team list, select a direct report.

  3. Click the goal that you want to view.

Viewing Goals in the Goals Portlet

The Goals portlet provides an overview of your own goals and the goals of your direct reports. The Goals portlet can be added to any dashboard.


Click the name of any goal in the portlet to view the goal card on the Goals page.

Portlet Tab


My Actions

Displays the following information about your own goals:

  • Goals Starting Soon — Displays goals that are starting in two weeks or less.

  • Goals Due Soon — Displays goals that are due in two weeks or less. If a goal is not started or closed on time, the start date and target date can be updated. Only goals approved by your manager are displayed.

  • Overdue Goals — Displays goals that are not started on time and goals that are not closed on time. If a goal is not started on time, the date in the Start Date column is bold. If a goal is not closed on time, the date in the Target Completion Date column is bold.

My Goals

Displays progress, time elapsed, and days remaining for the three goals that are on the top of the In Progress column on your Goals page.

Team Actions

Displays the following information about the goals of your direct reports:

  • Approval Required — Displays goals that you must approve. For more information, see Approving Goals.

  • Overdue Goals — Displays goals that are not started on time and goals that are not closed on time. If a goal is not started on time, the date in the Start Date column is bold. If a goal is not closed on time, the date in the Target Completion Date column is bold.

  • Reflect on Goals — Displays goals closed within the last three months that you have not yet written a reflection for. For more information, see Closing Goals.


This tab appears only if you are assigned as a supervisor to at least one employee in NetSuite. If you use the portlet in your Employee Center role, this tab appears on the Manager Dashboard.

Team Goals

Displays all the goals of your direct reports that are in progress. Goals are displayed in a scatter plot graph by progress and time elapsed.


This tab appears only if you are assigned as a supervisor to at least one employee in NetSuite. If you use the portlet in your Employee Center role, this tab appears on the Manager Dashboard.


The legend and criteria of the graph are interpretations. Review your employees’ goals with them to notified of their progress.

Viewing All Goals

The All Goals page enables you view all your goals and all the goals of your direct reports in one place. You can filter the All Goals page to search for and view specific goals.

To view all goals:


All filters will only show the current statuses of employee goals. From the status dropdown menu, only those statuses will be visible.

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Goals.

  2. At the bottom of the Closed column, click the Looking for all your goals? link.


    If you select a direct report from the My Team list, the link appears at the bottom of the Closed column with that employee’s name. For example, if you select John Smith from your My Team list, you will see the following link: Looking for all goals for John Smith?

  3. If you want to filter the All Goals page, do any of the following:

    • To filter by employee, In the Employee list, click an employee’s name to view or hide their goals in the table.


      If you do not have direct reports, you can only view your own goals on the All Goals page.

    • To filter by goal name, in the Search by Goal field, search for a goal.

    • To filter by closed date, from the Closed Date Range fields, enter a date range.

    • To filter by status, from the Status list, select a status.

    • To filter by performance metric, from the Performance Metric list, select a performance metric.

    • To filter by an area of focus, select one from the Area of Focus list. You can only use this filter if you are an employee, or if you are a manager and have one employee selected in the Employee filter.

    • To clear all the filters on the page, click Clear All Filters.

Managers and employees can view a history of all the changes to an employee’s goal marked ‘In Progress’ to stay aligned on the progress of the goal.

To view goal change history as a manager:

  1. From the Goals portlet, select the goal that you want to view the history of.

  2. Click the History subtab on the goal window.

The History subtab shows which fields of the goal were changed, the content of the changes, and when the changes were made. Only employees can make these changes to their own goals.

Changes to a goal are only tracked after the manager approves the goal.


When you view a goal from an employee’s performance review, only the changes up to the date the employee submitted the performance review will be displayed.

To view goal change history as an employee:

  1. From the home screen of your Employee Center role, go to Talent > Goals.

  2. Select the goal you want to view the history of.

  3. Click the History subtab on the goal window.

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