Enabling Project Features


Depending on the product you subscribe to, some features may not be available for you to use. If you have questions about the availability of the features mentioned below, please contact your account representative.

To track projects with basic project records, you must enable the Projects feature. For more information on basic projects, read Basic Projects.

To track projects with more advanced project records, you must enable both the Projects feature and the Project Management feature. For more information, read Using Project Management.


If you create or edit custom project forms when the Project Management feature is enabled, be aware that these forms may be altered if you later disable this feature. Immediately after you disable Project Management, you need to review custom project forms to see if they have been changed, and if necessary, edit them to fit your requirements. For details about customizing forms, see Custom Forms.

To use milestone billing with Project Management, you must enable Projects, Project Management and Advanced Billing. For more information, read Projects and Milestone Billing.

To use resource allocations with Project Management, you must enable Projects, Project Management, and Resource Allocations. For more information, read Resource Allocations.


When Resource Allocations is initially enabled, NetSuite creates resource allocation records for all existing project assignments using a work queue. Project records are not available during this time. After this process is complete, project records will be available.

To use job costing and project budgeting, you must enable Projects, Project Management, Job Costing and Project Budgeting, and Time Tracking. For more information, see Job Costing and Project Budgeting.

To enable features:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. Check these boxes to enable features:

    • To use basic projects, check the box next to Projects.

    • To use Project Management:

      1. Check the box next to Projects and

      2. Check the box next to Project Management.

    • To use milestone billing:

      1. Check the box next to Projects and

      2. Check the box next to Project Management and

      3. Click the Transactions subtab and check the box next to Advanced Billing.

    • To use resource allocations:

      1. Check the box next to Projects and

      2. Check the box next to Project Management and

      3. Under Resource Management, check the box next to Resource Allocations.

    • To use job costing and project budgeting:

      1. Check the box next to Projects and

      2. Check the box next to Project Management and

      3. Check the box next to Job Costing and Project Budgeting and

      4. Click the Employees subtab, check the box next to Time Tracking.

  3. Click Save.

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