Creating a New Event Record

Use an event record to send an email invitation, attach a document for discussion, and to reserve a resource such as a conference room.

When you create an event, you are the owner and automatically designated as the organizer. Only you can create events on your calendar. The event’s organizer, owner, or any role who has edit- or full-level permissions to events on your calendar can make changes to the event records including assigning or changing organizers.


Administrators are able to view or edit, including delete, any task, event or call, even if it is not assigned to them and regardless of the event’s access settings.

To create a new event record:

  1. Go to Activities > Scheduling > Events > New.

  2. Under Primary Information:

    1. You can select a Custom Form (optional).

    2. In the Title field, enter the subject or title for this event.

    3. Fill in the Location field, and select the date of this event.

    4. Select whether the status of the event is Confirmed, Tentative or Canceled.

    5. In the Event Access field, select how you want this event to appear on your calendar.

      • Public – This event and its information appear to everyone with access to the calendar.

      • Private – This event appears only to you and to invitees with access to the calendar. For more information, see Event Scheduling Notes.

      • Show as Busy – This event appears as a busy time slot to everyone with access to the calendar. No other information about this event is displayed.

    6. In the Organizer field, select the person who is organizing this event. The event organizer is automatically set as an accepted attendee for this event.

      If you edit the event record to change the organizer, the new organizer is not automatically added to the attendee list.

  3. Under Date and Time:

    1. Select a date for the event.

    2. Check the All Day box, if this event will last the entire day.

      When you check this box, the start and end times fill in automatically based on your calendar preferences.


      If you need to create an event that spans multiple days, create an all day event for the first day, and on the Recurrence subtab, choose Daily and set the last day of the event in the End By field.

    3. Check the Reserve Time box if you want to reserve time on your calendar for this event.

      Events that do not reserve time appear first on your calendar on the day they are scheduled. These can include events such as birthdays or anniversaries.

    4. Select the start and end times for this event. If the selected time slot conflicts with any existing events, a popup warning displays on the screen.

    5. In the Reminder Type field select the type of reminder you want to receive.

    6. In the Reminder field, select a time before the event when you want to be reminded. For more information, see Setting Up Event Reminders when Creating or Editing Events.

  4. On the Message subtab, enter the message you want to show in the email invitation that is sent to attendees and is shown on the event record.

    Optionally, you can get writing help for the Message field from our generative AI service, NetSuite Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information about using this capability, see Text Enhance.

  5. Click the Attendees subtab.

  6. In the Send Invitation To column, select a name from the list. For more information, see Sending Event Invitations.

  7. In the Attendance column choose whether this attendee is a required or an optional participant.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Repeat these steps for each attendee.

  10. On the Resources subtab, you can reserve the necessary resources for this event such as a conference room or presentation materials. For more information, see Reserving Resources for Events.

    The availability of those individuals and materials you have selected on the Attendees or Resources subtabs shows on the Availability subtab.

    Click the arrows next to the date to view the availability on other days. The window of time shown on this subtab is the same as the Daily start and end times set in your calendar preferences.

  11. Click the Recurrence subtab if the event is part of a series of events. For more information, see Setting Up Recurring Events.

  12. When you have finished entering all of the information for this event, click Save.

The following are optional settings on the event record:

Additional Information

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