Sending Event Invitations

Use the Attendees subtab on the Event record to select attendees for an event and to send email invitations.

After you save an event record, it appears on the NetSuite calendar for each person invited.

To create and send event invitations:

  1. On the event record, click the Attendees subtab.

  2. In the Send Invitation to column, select the name of the person or group you are inviting to this event.

    The Availability field is automatically filled by NetSuite. When those invited are not in your company, this field always says Available.

    If the person or group is in your company, their availability depends on whether they have conflicting events in their NetSuite calendars. You can view availability on the Availability subtab.

    The Response column defaults to the status No Response when you add an invitee.

    When those invited receive the invitation to the event, they can accept, decline, or tentatively accept the invitation. Their status displays here, on the event record. For more information, see Responding to Event Invitations.

  3. In the Email column, check the box next to each person to whom you want to send an email invitation.

    Check the Notify Attendees by Email box to send email to attendees in the list based on your preference for sending invitation email. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Activities.

  4. In the Attendance column, select whether each person's attendance is optional or required.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Repeat these steps for each person or group you want to invite.

  7. When you have added everyone you want to invite, click the Availability subtab to see if they are all available at the selected time, or click Save if you are finished with this event.

You can restrict the contacts that appear in the Send Invitation To column by setting the Restrict Invitees to Employees preference on the Activities subtab at Home > Set Preferences. If you check this box, only employees appear in the Send Invitation To column.

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