Working with Your Calendar and Activities

The calendar and activities features in NetSuite help you to make effective use of your work time. Use the calendar to manage your activities, including events, tasks, and phone calls. Access the calendar from the Activities tab as shown.

Actviities tab

You must set preferences before you start using your calendar and working with activity records in NetSuite. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Activities.

Read Using Your Calendar to learn how to set preferences for sharing your calendar with others in your organization and how to synchronize your calendar using NetSuite for Outlook.

You can set up several calendar portlets on your Activities page to display combinations of personal, group, or team calendars. These portlets act independently of each other, so you can also display a variety of time frames for the same calendar. For example, you may set a monthly overview portlet on the left of your screen and in the center, a weekly view. See Calendar Portlets.

When you use the Time Tracking for CRM feature, you can track time on tasks, phone calls, events, and cases. Tracking time on these activities can help you become more aware of how much time is spent on certain projects.


The ability to track time in NetSuite is also required for Time Tracking for CRM.

The topics below provide more information about working with your calendar and activities:

Related Topics

General Notices