Step 5 Create Actions

This step shows you how to use the Workflow State window to add actions to a state. The actions added to the states run according to their triggers when the record enters the state in the workflow.

In this step, you add a Set Field Mandatory action in State 1 Entry and a Go To Page action in Step 2 See Opportunities.

To create the actions in the workflow states:

  1. If you have not already done so, complete Step 4 Create Workflow States.

  2. To create a new action for State 1 Entry, in the workflow diagrammer, double-click State 1 Entry and click the New Action button in the Workflow State window. The New Action window appears.

  3. Click Set Field Mandatory.

  4. In the Workflow Action window, set the following properties:



    Trigger On


    Field, in the Parameters section


    Mandatory, in the Parameters section


  5. Click Save.

  6. Verify that the action in the context panel looks like the following screenshot:

    A view of the context panel that shows the Set Field Mandatory action added to the first state. Trigger On is set to Entry. Under Entry, the formula Set Field Mandatory title equals true is listed.
  7. Repeat step 2 to access the New Action window for State 2 See Opportunities.

  8. Click Go To Page. The Go To Page window appears.

  9. Set the Trigger On field to Entry.

  10. Under Parameters, in the Target Page field, enter Opportunities and select Opportunities in the dropdown list that appears. The following screenshot shows Opportunities selected in the Target Page field:

    A section of the New Action window that shows Opportunities selected in the Target Page field.
  11. Click Save.

  12. Verify that the action in the context panel looks like the following screenshot:

    A view of the context panel that shows the Go to Page action added to the second state. Trigger On is set to Entry. Under Entry, the parameter is set to open the Opportunities page.
  13. To continue with the tutorial, continue to Step 6 Create a Transition.

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