Inventory Revenue Detail Report

An Inventory Revenue Detail report shows the revenue generated by your inventory items. You can view and analyze sales revenue of active, on-hand inventory items.

This report shows revenue for a certain period by sales transaction. For each transaction, the report shows the item name, date sold, transaction number, quantity sold, sales price and total revenue.

If you operate an online store with NetSuite, these reports include sales from your store.

Use this information to determine which items are successful items by finding items that generate high revenue and have a high gross profit percentage. For example, you can filter the report to show revenue generated this month and determine the item that generated the highest revenue.

After you find the top revenue-generating item, you can use the Inventory Profitability report to determine the success of the item.

By analyzing reports and item records to manage your inventory, you can maintain a streamlined inventory.

To see an inventory revenue detail report:

Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Inventory Revenue > Detail.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.

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