Inventory Valuation Detail Report

An Inventory Valuation Detail report shows the transactions affecting the value of your inventory. This report is useful for troubleshooting costing problems with your items because it lists transactions that affect inventory assets.

For example, report shows item #JK051 has a high dollar value and high percentage of total inventory. You might investigate the item as a problem. You can determine if JK051 has a purchase rate that is higher than its sales rate by viewing this report. It details all related transactions, such as purchases, bill payments, sales, invoices, inventory adjustments, assembly builds, fulfillments, and more.


When adjusting inventory, NetSuite allocates the excess cost of inventory to the last serial number entered. NetSuite does not divide the excess cost among the total number of serials and allocate the excess to each of them.

This is also true when you add serial numbers to the system through other inventory increasing transactions such as stand-alone bill and item receipt. In the inventory cost allocation example that follows, serial number 1681, the last serial number entered was allocated the excess cost. Note: 1679 -$12,666.11, 1680 -$12,666.11, and 1681 $12,666.13.

To see an inventory valuation detail report:

Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Inventory Valuation > Detail.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.

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