Inventory Back Order Report

The Inventory Back Order report shows the number of items backordered. Backordered items are items that are committed on sales orders, but are not in stock.

When using reports that display item quantities, kits and kit parts can affect the quantities displayed on reports. Use the filter Sold as a Kit/Assembly Member to modify reports to not display quantities for kit parts. To learn more, see How Kits and Kit Parts Affect Quantities Displayed in Reports.

For each inventory item, this report details which items are backordered by transaction. The report lists each item name, order number, customer name, quantity ordered, quantity fulfilled and quantity open.

You can use this report to assess stock status, as well as analyze the replenishment process of your workflow.

Assess your stock status by seeing how many items have quantities backordered. Viewing this report on a regular basis can help you identify trends for items that are frequently out of stock. Then, you can decide if you need to change your current replenishment practices.

To see an inventory back order report:

Go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Inventory Back Order Report.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report to stop the report from loading.


This report does not support reporting by period even when the Report by Period preference is set to All Reports. The Report by Period preference can be configured at Home > Set Preferences, on the Analytics subtab.

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