Deferred/Capitalized Expense

Use the Deferred/Capitalized Expense report to view the total deferred and amortized expenses for a set of transactions over a certain period and to see the recognized portion of those expenses, if any.

The balances shown are based on the reporting dates selected and the amortization schedules for the account. Schedule details are shown at the line-level rather than at the transaction-level.

The Deferred/Capitalized Expense report includes the following:

From each transaction line on the report you can drill down to the associated transaction, vendor record, and the amortization schedule.


Amortization reports can only be run by period. If you set the Report by Period preference to Never, the setting is ignored when running this report.

You must have the Reports permission Amortization Reports to view this report.

For information about using Report Builder to customize this report, see Report Customization.

To see a Deferred/Capitalized Expense report:

Go to Reports > Financial > Deferred/Capitalized Expense.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.

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