Deferred Revenue by Customer Report

This topic is for the classic revenue recognition report. For the advanced revenue management context, see Deferred Revenue by Customer Report. The topics are similar. Only the related reports are different.

The Deferred Revenue by Customer report shows deferred revenue amounts, grouped by customer. This report can be used for revenue recognition reconciliation as its balances tie directly to general ledger account balances. The Amount column shows the Recognition Amount.

This report is available after the Revenue Recognition feature has been enabled on the Accounting subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features ( Administrator ).

To see a Deferred Revenue by Customer report:

Go to Reports > Revenue > Deferred Revenue by Customer.

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.

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