Intercompany Elimination Report

The Intercompany Elimination report provides an audit trail of intercompany eliminations for a period. Run this report after posting intercompany elimination for a period. This report provides the source transactions marked for elimination, and the generated elimination journal entries.

If you use the Multi-Book Accounting feature, you can run the Intercompany Elimination report for any accounting book enabled for consolidation.

To view the Intercompany Elimination Report:

Go to Reports > Financial > Intercompany Elimination.

The following filters are available in the report footer:

A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the report from loading.

The Intercompany Elimination report displays source transactions and elimination lines. It groups the data by elimination subsidiary, then by sales order and purchase order pair. Source transactions include sales invoice, vendor bill, credit memo, vendor credit, journal entry, advanced intercompany journal entry. Transactions from the same paired transaction are grouped. For example, all invoices and vendor bills that originate from the same sales order, purchase order pair are grouped together.

The Intercompany Elimination report displays the following columns:


On the Intercompany Elimination Report, the Source Trans Amount (Trans Currency) does not zero-out.

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