Managing Plug-ins
A plug-in is functionality, defined by an interface, that can be customized. After a plug-in is implemented, users with the Administrator role can override the plug-in’s default logic with logic that suits their organization's needs.
Core plug-ins are provided by NetSuite, and are typically part of a major release. A core plug-in’s interface defines functions that are executed within the core NetSuite code. For more information about core plug-ins, see Core Plug-in Overview.
Custom plug-ins are alternate implementations of an interface that are developed by third-party solution providers who bundle them as part of a SuiteApp. For more information about custom plug-ins, see Custom Plug-in Overview.
When a plug-in’s implementations are ready to be utilized, the organization's NetSuite administrator activates the implementations available to each account.
To view the plug-in implementations available in an account, go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.
The Manage Plug-in Implementations page lists the core and custom plug-in implementations that are available in the current account. To inactivate an implementation, clear the box. To activate an implementation, check the box.
Make changes as required. Then, click Save.
Viewing Plug-in Implementation System Notes
To view the activity of your plug-in implementation, use the System Notes subtab.
To view plug-in implementation system notes:
Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations. Click Edit beside the implementation that you want to view.
Click the System Notes subtab.
Note:Previously, plug-in implementation information was listed on the History subtab, but that subtab is no longer updated. New plug-in implementation activity is captured on the System Notes subtab.

The system note for a change on a plug-in implementation record captures the following information:
Date when the change was made
Who made the change
Context for the change (for example, UI)
Type of change, for example, Edit
Field changed
Old value
New value
Role of the user who made the change (included as of 2017.2 — you have to customize the view to see the Role column)
For more information about system notes, see System Notes Overview
The current version of the Custom GL Lines Plug-in is always used. An older version of the plug-in might have been used to create a transaction, and might have generated a different result than the current version. If you attempt to update a transaction in a closed period, and the current version of the plug-in generates a different result, you cannot save the updates.
You can either open the period, or branch your plug-in implementation by the date of the plug-in version.
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