Setting Administrative Notification Options
The Administrative Notifications page is available to account administrators, and to other users with the Setup Company permission. Use this page to designate which users will receive administrative notifications and select who should receive these types of NetSuite email notifications. You can also view pending and confirmed notifications.

On the Options subtab, you can:
Designate multiple users, in addition to administrators, as notification recipients.
Important:You may be able to set users that do not have login access to NetSuite as notification recipients, but users without login access will not receive notification email.
Elect to send notifications by email, in addition to displaying them in the user interface.
On the Confirmed subtab, you can:
View the date and time when a recipient has confirmed that they read a notification.
View the name of the recipient who confirmed they read the notification.
For more information, see Review Notification Confirmations.
On the Pending Confirmation subtab, you can:
View the notifications that have yet to be confirmed.
View the name of the recipient who has not yet confirmed that they read the notification.
For more information, see Review Pending Confirmations.
To set options for administrative notifications:
Go to Setup > Company > Company Management > Administrative Notifications.
Click the Edit button, then review the following columns on the Options subtab and make changes as needed:
Include Admins
Indicates that all account administrators are added to the list of recipients for the selected type of notifications.
This required setting is set to Yes — Mandatory.
Lists the specific set of users to receive in-account notifications of the selected type.
Default is empty.
You can define multiple recipients for each notification type, by using the Shift or Ctrl keys and selecting from the Recipients list.
Individual users and groups are available in the list.
Note:Only employee users, and groups made up exclusively of employee users are available, because you cannot select Customer Center, Partner Center, or Vendor Center users as recipients.
Send Email
Indicates whether email messages containing notifications should be sent to recipients, in addition to in-account messages.
Default setting is disabled.
Check the box to enable this option.
If this option is enabled, email messages are sent to the complete list of recipients.
Note:In-account notification email are different from email campaigns. It is possible that you might be signed up for one type, but not the other type. To find out if you are signed up for email campaigns, see Subscription Management.
Require Each Recipient to Accept
Indicates whether all recipients should be required to confirm in-account notifications of this type.
Default setting is disabled. Each administrator is required to confirm the notification, but other recipients are not.
To ensure that all selected recipients see all in-account notifications of the selected type, check the box.
When you are satisfied with settings, click Save.
Review Notification Confirmations
You can review the Confirmed subtab of the notifications page for details about notifications that have been confirmed by all required recipients.
Notification Type: Shows the type of notification.
Confirmed By: Shows the names of users who have confirmed that they read the notification.
Date Confirmed: Shows the date and time the user confirmed they read the notification.
Message Text: Shows the text of the notification message.
Date emailed: Shows the date when the notification was sent by email.
Review Pending Confirmations
You can review the Pending Confirmation subtab for details about the notifications that have not yet been confirmed by all required recipients.
Notification Type: Shows the type of notification.
Require Each Recipient to Accept: Shows whether you indicated on the Options subtab, that each notification recipient was required to confirm that they read the notification.
Confirmed By: Shows the names of recipients who have confirmed they read the notification.
Not Confirmed By: Shows the names of those who have not yet confirmed they read the notification.
Message Text: Shows the text of the notification message from NetSuite.
Start Date: Shows the date when the notification message was originally posted.
Expiration Date: Shows the last date the notification message will be posted.