Scheduled Script Status Page

The Scheduled Script Status page shows the current and past runtime statuses of submitted scheduled script instances in your account.

Schedule Script Status page.

There are two different ways you can access the Scheduled Script Status page. How you access the page determines the view that the page opens with. The same information is shown on each form of the Scheduled Script Status page but in a different order.

You can also filter the scheduled scripts shown on the page using the Date, From, To, Script, Deployment Id, Queue, Status, and API Version filters.


Script execution details are purged after 30 days. Also note that the statuses listed on the Scheduled Script Status page are not related to the statuses that appear on a Script Deployment page. The statuses on Script Deployment pages (Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Testing) indicate the type of deployment. The statuses on the Scheduled Script Status page indicate where the scheduled script is in terms of its execution.

The following table describes each field on the page.



API Version

The API Version specified in the script using the @API Version JSDoc tag for the current version of the script. This means that if you submit a scheduled script using @API Version 2.0 and then submit it a second time using @API Version 2.1, the version that is shown in the API Version field will be 2.1 for all listings of the script.

Deployment ID

The deployment ID for the deployment record for the scheduled script.

Date Created

The date the script was created.


The execution status for the scheduled script. This status will be one of the following:

  • Canceled – This status indicates that due to a NetSuite server error, the script was canceled before or during script execution.

  • Complete – This status indicates the script completed normally.

  • Deferred – This status indicates that the script is eligible for processing, but has not been processed due to processing constraints. For example, deferred status occurs when one job must wait for another job to finish.

  • Failed – This status indicates that the script has been processed, but failed to complete normally. If your script has failed, examine it for possible errors.

  • Pending – This status indicates that the script has been submitted and is waiting to be processed.

  • Processing – This status indicates the script is currently running.

  • Retry – This status indicates that the script entered the processing state, but failed to complete normally. In this case, the script is eligible to be retried. The script will be retried automatically and you do not need to create a new deployment. Review the script execution log to determine why the script initially failed (for example, a timeout problem occurred).


The time the scheduled script execution started.


The time the scheduled script execution ended.


The priority for the scheduled script. For more information about priorities, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels.


The queue for the scheduled script. This field only pertains to scheduled script deployments that occurred before the introduction of SuiteCloud Processors. For more information, see Scheduled Script Deployments that Continue to Use Queues.

% Complete

The script's percentage of completion. This field shows the following values:

  • 0% -Shown when Status is Pending or Processing

  • 100% -Shown when Status is Completed


This field is not scriptable.

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