SuiteCloud Processors Priority Levels

SuiteCloud Processors factor in submission time and priority level when processing scripts. This means that jobs with the highest priority are sent to the processor pool first. Jobs of lower priority are sent to the processor pool after all higher priority jobs are sent. The scheduler sends jobs with the same priority to the processor pool in the order of submission.

The available priority options are:

For example, if jobs 1 and 4 are high priority, jobs 2 and 5 are standard priority, and job 3 is low priority, the scheduler sends the jobs to the processor pool in the following order:

By default, all jobs have a standard priority, but you can change the priority, either on the deployment record or on the SuiteCloud Processors Priority Settings Page. For examples that demonstrate how changing the priority can change the order of processing, see SuiteCloud Processors Priority Scheduling Examples.

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