Mapping Revenue Recognition Fields

Advanced Revenue Management (Essentials) lets you map custom and standard fields from source records to custom, and some standard, transaction line fields in revenue arrangements. Both body and line fields on the source can be mapped, but only line fields are supported for the target revenue arrangement. You can map the same source field to multiple target fields. However, each target field can have only one source field mapped to it.

The values of mapped fields are copied from the source when the revenue arrangement is created. Changes in the source fields after revenue arrangement creation are automatically updated in the revenue arrangement if the Automatically Update Target Field Value box is checked on the corresponding revenue field map. If the box is checked, you must still run Update Revenue Arrangements and Revenue Plans for the target field to reflect the source field in the arrangement. If the box is not checked, you must manually update the target field in the revenue arrangement.


You cannot map custom and standard fields from source records to transaction line fields in prospective merge revenue arrangements. Therefore, revenue element field values are not updated when the corresponding source transaction field values are changed. For more information about prospective merges, see Prospective Merges.

The following standard transaction line fields in the revenue arrangement are available as the Target Field. Not all of the target fields are available for mapping from standard fields. The source field type for these target fields is noted as custom in this table.

Target Field

Source Field Type

Start Date


End Date


Forecast Start Date


Forecast End Date


Reference ID

free-form text

Term in Months

custom integer number, free-form text

Term in Days

custom integer number, free-form text

Alternate Unit

custom list that uses Unit of Measure


You cannot map a custom source field with Type = List/Record and List = Unit to the Alternate Unit target field if the Alternate Unit Type field is not set. An error message appears upon updating the revenue arrangement. For more information about custom fields, Creating a Custom Field.

Before the 2024.1 NetSuite release, you could create field mappings with Create Revenue Plans On or Revenue Allocation Group as target fields. While you can still view and delete these field mappings, you cannot update them because these target fields are no longer supported.

The Alternate Quantity target field is available only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled. The Alternate Quantity field's source field type is decimal number. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) Feature.


When the source and the target revenue arrangement form include the same custom line fields, mapping is not required.

If you add a mapping rule that uses a different source field for the target, the mapping rule you add overrides the default mapping.


Be sure to clear the Revenue Arrangement box in the Applies To subtab for any custom field that should not be included in revenue arrangements. Examples of such fields are custom transaction body fields and custom segments with the Mandatory box checked and no default value.

When the source and the target revenue arrangement form include the same custom segment fields, the values are not carried over. For example, say you have a custom segment field named Segment A that is applied to both a sale item and a revenue arrangement in the Transaction Columns sublist. You must create a revenue field map with Segment A populated in the source field and target field for Segment A’s value to be carried over.

The following source transaction form types are supported. Select Transaction Line as the Source Record Type to map their fields:

If you want Project Revenue Line as a Source Record Type option, you must enable the Projects, Project Management, and Charge-Based Billing features. For information about project revenue rules, see Project Revenue Recognition. For information about enabling these features, see Enabling Project Features and Setting Up Charge-Based Billing.

Disabling any or all of the following features causes revenue recognition field map records using Project Revenue Rule as a Source Record Type to become invalid:

When these features are disabled, you can still access and edit mappings with Project Revenue Rule as a Source Record Type. If the project features are enabled again, then all mappings with Project Revenue Rule as a Source Record Type become valid.

If you want Subscription Line to appear as a Source Record Type option, you must complete the following:

Disabling the Subscription Billing feature causes revenue recognition field map records using the Subscription Line as a Source Record Type to become invalid. While this feature is disabled, you can still access and edit mappings with Subscription Line as a Source Record Type. If the Subscription Billing feature is enabled again, then all mappings with Subscription Line as a Source Record Type become valid.

For more information about these features, see Using the Project Consolidation Preference and Enabling SuiteBilling Features.

You cannot override the Class, Department, and Location fields on a revenue element using revenue field mapping. Changes in the source cause these fields to be updated. Consequently, any mapping is lost. For other source fields that cause updates in revenue elements, see Updating Revenue Arrangements.

Revenue recognition field mapping can be performed by those with the Administrator, Revenue Manager, or Revenue Accountant role. You can add the list permission Revenue Recognition Field Mapping to custom roles to grant access to the page.

To create a revenue recognition field map:

  1. Create custom transaction body fields and custom transaction line fields as needed. If you are unfamiliar with customizing NetSuite, see Customization Overview and the other Customization help topics.

  2. If you created custom source body or line fields, create custom source transaction forms, and add the custom body and line fields as needed.

  3. Administrators: Go to Setup > Accounting > Revenue Field Mapping > New in the Revenue group to open the Revenue Recognition Field Map page.

    Revenue Managers: Go to Revenue > Setup > Revenue Field Mapping > New.

    Use this page to create a revenue recognition field map by completing the following fields:

    • Source Record Type – Select a record type for the source. This is a required field. You can select one of the following: Project Revenue Rule, Subscription Line, and Transaction Line.

    • Transaction Type – Select a transaction type. The transaction types in this dropdown depend on the source record type you selected. Your mapping is only applied to this transaction type. This field is grayed-out and disabled if you selected Subscription Line or Project Revenue Rule as a source record type.

    • Custom Form – Select a custom form. The forms in this dropdown depend on the source record type and transaction type you selected. This field is grayed-out and disabled if you selected Subscription Line or Project Revenue Rule as a source record type.

    • Source Field – Select a field from the list. The fields in this dropdown depend on the source record type, transaction type, and custom form combination you selected. You can map the same source field to multiple target fields. This is a required field.


      If your custom line and custom body fields have the same name, (Body) or (Line) is appended to each one in the dropdown.

    • Target Field – Select a field from the list. Custom and standard line fields used on custom revenue arrangement forms are included in the list. This is a required field.


      If your custom line and custom body fields have the same name, (Body) or (Line) is appended to each one in the dropdown.

    • Start Date – Select or enter a start date. This controls when the field map record starts being applied.

    • End Date – Select or enter an end date. This controls when the field map record stops being applied. If you enter an end date, you must also enter a start date.


      If you want to make an existing field map record invalid, you can either delete the map or set an end date. The end date can be the same as the start date.

      Automatically Update Target Field Value – Check this box if you want changes to the source field to be reflected in the target field after updating the corresponding revenue arrangement. If this box is checked, then the target field value on the revenue arrangement gets updated after updating the revenue arrangement. If this box is unchecked, then the target field does not update after updating the revenue arrangement.

    • Description – Add a description to contextualize the field map.

  4. Click Save when you finish.

  5. If necessary, set the accounting preference to use the custom revenue arrangement form that contains your target fields:

    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences.

    2. Click the General subtab, and scroll to the Advanced Revenue Management Only group of the preferences.

    3. Select your custom form from the Default Revenue Arrangement Form list.

    4. Click Save.

System Notes appear on each revenue recognition field map. For more information about system notes, see System Notes Overview.

If you change the mapping for revenue recognition fields, be sure to update any records that may depend on the previous mapping. Examples of such records are fair value dimensions, formulas, and prices.

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