Prospective Merges

Prospective merge management uses the residual values of the merged revenue arrangements to represent the modified contract obligation. The process terminates and locks the original revenue arrangements and creates a new arrangement with the residual values as of the effective date. The prospective merge effective date is the first day of the first available open period.

Retrospective merges, in contrast, combine revenue elements and arrangements from multiple sources to represent a single performance obligation without expressly terminating the original arrangements. For information, see Combined Revenue Arrangements.

The prospective merge process relies on a calculated residual ratio. The residual ratio is the amount recognized prior to the prospective merge divided by the original revenue amount in the base currency. Residual amounts are calculated using 1 minus the residual ratio times the original amount. If you have foreign currency transactions, note that the amount recognized for purposes of calculating the residual ratio excludes any foreign currency revaluation adjustments.

To support prospective merge management, the following columns are included in the Revenue Element subtab on the revenue arrangement:

For instructions to create a prospective merge, see Creating a Prospective Merge.

Details for the prospective merge process are included in the following sections:

Conditions for Prospective Merge Creation

Prospective Merge Impact on Original Revenue Arrangements and Plans

The revenue arrangements selected to participate in the prospective merge process and their sources are locked when the process is complete. Editing is disabled for the locked revenue arrangements and their revenue elements and revenue plans, which are truncated and remain with the revenue arrangements. Changes to the sources are not completely blocked but should be avoided. Those who attempt to change the sources receive a warning message.

The revenue elements have an effective end date that is one day prior to the prospective merge effective date.

The revenue element’s revenue plan status after the prospective merge can be one of the following:

Revenue element values are multiplied by the residual ratio to determine their truncated values:

The Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) for each element on the original revenue arrangement is used to determine the effective cumulative billing amount during reclassification. For more information about this field, see Revenue Element Field Reference. This new effective cumulative billing amount may lead to the creation of reclassification journal entries. For more information about prospective merge and reclassification, see Impact to Reclassification.

The revenue amount for the revenue element is the amount actually recognized through revenue recognition and reclassification journal entries as of the effective end date.

When the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled, the Exchange Rate on each revenue element remains the same as before the prospective merge. The exchange rate on each revenue element after running a prospective merge is the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Base Currency) divided by the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency).

The revenue plan end date for both actual and forecast revenue plans matches the Effective End Date on the revenue element. All plan periods with revenue recognized prior to the end date remain with the original revenue plans. The plan amount is equal to the total revenue recognized on the plan. You can view the revenue plans that belong to the original revenue arrangement, but you cannot edit them. If revenue plans were created but no revenue was recognized prior to the prospective merge, the revenue plans are deleted.

Prospective Merge Revenue Arrangements and Plans

The prospective merge revenue arrangement contains the residual values from the original revenue arrangements as of the prospective merge effective date. The prospective merge process generates new revenue elements and revenue recognition plans with the residual values.

Amounts in the Discounted Sales Amount column are equal to the Original Discounted Sales Amount minus the amount recognized prior to the prospective merge. Amounts in the Residual Discounted Sales Amount column are calculated using (1 minus the residual ratio) multiplied by the Original Discounted Sales Amount. Prospective merge revenue arrangements may include revenue elements with a Residual Discounted Sales Amount of zero. These revenue elements are required to support reclassification.

The Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) for each element on the prospective merge revenue arrangement is used to determine the effective cumulative billing amount for each new element during reclassification. For more information about this field, see Revenue Element Field Reference.

Revenue elements cannot be added to or removed from prospective merge revenue arrangements by editing the revenue arrangement. You can create subsequent prospective merges that include a prospective merge revenue arrangement.

Prospective merge revenue arrangements include a Revert Change Order button. When you click this button, you receive a warning. If you proceed, the revenue arrangement and its revenue elements and any revenue plans are deleted. The revenue arrangements, revenue elements, and revenue plans that existed prior to the prospective merge are reverted to their previous condition. You cannot revert a prospective merge if it meets either of these conditions:

NetSuite creates new revenue plans for the residual values as part of the prospective merge process. All periods with recognized revenue prior to the merge effective date remain on the revenue plans for the original locked revenue arrangement. All periods on and after the effective date are included in the new prospective merge revenue plans. Any revenue amounts planned for periods prior to the effective date but not recognized before merge are added to the new revenue plans.

The Rev Rec Start Date for the new revenue plans is the prospective merge effective date. The Rev Rec End Date for actual revenue plans is the same as the original revenue plan. Revenue plans with zero amounts may be created when revenue elements with a Residual Discounted Sales Amount of zero are included in the revenue arrangement.

The following is an example of an original actual revenue recognition plan and the impact of the prospective merge process.

The original revenue element has the following characteristics:

  • Create Revenue Plans On is set to Revenue Arrangement Creation.

  • The revenue recognition rule is the same for actual and forecast plans.

  • The revenue recognition rule has a six-month term, and the method is straight-line, even periods.

  • The revenue amount is $1,200.

The actual and forecast revenue plans have lines that look like this:

Planned Period














The revenue arrangement that includes this revenue element is part of a prospective merge with an effective date of September 1.

On the original locked revenue element, actual and forecast revenue plans are complete and revenue was recognized as a condition of the prospective merge process. The amount on the plans is $400. After the prospective merge, the revenue plans have the following lines:







The new revenue element that is included in the prospective merge revenue arrangement has revenue recognition plans with the amount of $800. The plan lines look like this:

Actual Plan

Forecast Plan

Planned Period


Planned Period


























Impact to Reclassification

Reclassification is run for both the original revenue arrangement and the prospectively merged revenue arrangement.

The original revenue arrangement is locked after the prospective merge process, and the total billed amounts must equal the total recognized amounts for all elements in the arrangement. The bill amount on the original revenue arrangement is split across the original and prospectively merged revenue arrangements based on the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) on each arrangement. For more information about the Prorated Discounted Sales Amount (Foreign Currency) field, see Revenue Element Field Reference. Reclassification is run for elements on the original revenue arrangement and the prospectively merged revenue arrangement.

To complete the process for the original revenue arrangement, the following occurs:

The deferred revenue balances that are carried over to the prospectively merged revenue arrangement are reallocated based on the new carve-in/carve-out ratio. The element’s gross cumulative billing amount becomes the sum of the deferred revenue balance after unwinding and any new billing amounts for the revenue element.


To run reclassification in a reopened period, you must revert any prospective merges to unlock the locked revenue arrangements.

For an example of reclassification for a prospective merge, see Example of Foreign Currency and Unbilled Receivable Adjustments Prospective Merge After Partial Billing.

Not Supported

Prospective merge management does not support revenue arrangements with the following types of revenue recognition plans:

Prospective merge management does not support mapping revenue recognition fields. You cannot map custom and standard fields from source records to transaction line fields in prospective merge revenue arrangements. For more information, see Mapping Revenue Recognition Fields.

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