Deferred Revenue Waterfall Summary Report

The Deferred Revenue Waterfall Summary report reconciles the deferred revenue account balance on the balance sheet and provides a forecast of the expected revenue stream. Run this report after you create revenue recognition and deferred revenue reclassification journal entries for the current period. For more information, see Month-End Revenue Processing.

The Deferred Revenue Waterfall report divides deferred revenue into the following categories:

The report includes the following additional columns:

Report results are summarized by deferred revenue account and by revenue account.

To view this report:

  1. Go to Revenue > Revenue Reports > Deferred Revenue Waterfall.

  2. Accept the default value in the As of filter. The default is the current period.

    The accounting preference Number of Short-Term Expense Periods determines the maximum number of months displayed after this period. For example, for the current period December 2021 with 12 short-term expense periods, the 12 months shown are January 2022 – December 2022. You see fewer months if schedules and plans do not extend through all the possible months.

  3. Select a value in the Subsidiary Context filter if you have a OneWorld account and access to multiple subsidiaries.

  4. Select a value in the Accounting Book filter if you are using Multi-Book Accounting and have access to multiple accounting books.

  5. Click Refresh to apply your filters.

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