Importing Warranty Registration Details
You can register a warranty by importing the registration details from a CSV file, or through scheduled script or web service. Records created through an import are treated as manual or standalone registrations, therefore, they are not linked to a NetSuite invoice. Existing records, regardless of the mode of registration, can be updated by importing details for select fields. To review the list of required and editable fields, refer to the table in the topic, Editing a Warranty Registration.
To prepare for your import of registration details, review the following guidelines:
Permissions required to import registration details can be found in the Roles and Permissions in Warranty and Repairs Management topic. For required features to import registration details, see Prerequisites.
Be sure to setup the warranty information about the item record. You have to enable warranty tracking for the items included in your CSV file. For Fixed term items, the default expiration date on the item record is used for the registration, if no date is included or is left blank in your CSV file. For more information about enabling warranty tracking, see Setting Up Warranty Information on the Item Record.
Limitations on warranty registration are listed in the Warranty and Repairs Management Limitations topic.
The following instructions contain procedures specific to importing details on the Warranty Registration form, using the Import Assistant. For detailed instructions on importing CSV files, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
To import warranty registration details:
Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
On the Import Assistant page, complete the following tasks for Step 1 Scan & Upload CSV File:
In the Import Type field, select Custom Records.
In the Record Type field, select Warranty Registration.
In the CSV File(s) section, select the mode and file to upload. For instructions, see Select a File for Import.
Click Next.
Complete the following tasks for Step 2 Import Options:
In the Data Handling section, choose from among the options: Add, Update, or Add or Update. For more information, see Choose Data Handling for Import.
Note:The Add or Update option is not applicable to scheduled scripts.
In the Advanced Options section:
Verify that either of the two forms are selected in the Custom Form field:
Warranty Registration Form
Standard Warranty Registration Form
Check the Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows box.
Click Next.
To import multiple files, complete the tasks for Step 3. To view the instructions, see Step Three File Mapping. Otherwise, proceed to Step 4 Field Mapping:
Verify that the fields on your CSV file are correctly mapped to the fields on the Warranty Registration form. For more information, see Step Four Field Mapping.
Click Next.
Click Save & Run to save the import settings and start the import job.
After running an import, the job is placed in a queue for processing. On the Finished page, click Import Job Status to view the status of the import job. For more information, see Checking CSV Import Status.
For import files with errors, only records with valid data are added or updated on the Warranty Registration form. In the file, look for the error message at the end of each row with invalid data.
Best Practices for Importing Registration Details
This section contains best practices when importing registration details, to create new or update existing warranty registrations.
The fields or columns in your import file should correspond to those on the Warranty Registration form. Validations during manual registration are also applied during the import. For a description of the registration fields, see Creating a Manual Warranty Registration.
To update an existing warranty registration, get the internal Id of the registration record to be edited. For more information about locating an internal Id, see Finding Internal IDs of Records
When updating, you can export the list of existing registration records from your account. The Export-CSV icon is located in the list control bar of the Warranty Registration: Results page. Before exporting a record, verify that the Internal Id column is displayed on the page. For more information, see Prerequisites.
Any information that you import replaces default values and settings. For example, if you have the preference enabled to autogenerate registration numbers, when you import your own registration numbers, you automatically overwrite the autogenerated numbers. To review your warranty preference settings, go to Lists > Warranty and Repairs > Warranty Setup. For more information, see Setting Warranty Preferences.
You can set editable registration fields to blank using a scheduled script. However, the validations for editing registration records are still applied. Specific registration fields cannot be edited when a warranty registration is already associated with a claim. To view the list of editable fields, see Editing a Warranty Registration.
Note:This option to set editable registration fields to blank is not available through CSV import. Existing details on the registration record are retained if their corresponding fields or columns in the CSV file are left blank.
For more information about importing files, limitations, and tips, see the following topics: