Creating a Manual Warranty Registration

Create a stand-alone warranty registration, manually, without generating from a NetSuite invoice. You can provide your own registration number, invoice number, and serial or lot number for these warranty item types. Before creating a manual registration, you can review the limitations and requirements in the following topics:

Review the following guidelines for creating a manual registration:

To create a manual warranty registration:

  1. Go to Lists > Warranty and Repairs > Enter Warranty Registration.

    Alternately, if you are on the Warranty Registration List, click New Warranty Registration. If you already have a registration record open in view mode, go to Actions > New.

  2. On the Warranty Registration form, enter the values in the Primary Information section.



    Registration No.

    Enter the warranty registration number.


    If you enabled the Auto Generate Registration No. preference, you cannot update the registration number during record creation. To learn more, see Setting Warranty Preferences.


    Select the name of the customer or owner of the warranty item.


    This field displays the subsidiary of your selected customer.




    If your account has the Class, Department, or Location features enabled, select the values in their corresponding fields.

    For these fields, you must select a value that is associated or belongs to the subsidiary.


    Be sure to clear the Inactive box to keep the record active.

    To void a warranty and prevent filing of claims from the registration, check the Inactive box.

  3. Enter the values in the Warranty Information section.



    Manual Registration

    This field is automatically checked to distinguish the record from registrations that are generated from an invoice.

    Reference Invoice

    Enter the invoice number for the warranty.


    Click the double arrows and then select List from the popup menu. Select the warranty item from the popup list.

    This field displays only items with Track Warranty enabled on the item record. For accounts with subsidiaries, you must select an item that belongs to the subsidiary.


    Enter or update the default item quantity. Negative numbers and zero are not allowed.

    For serialized warranty items, the quantity is disabled and is always set to the default value of 1.


    If you enabled the Multiple Units of Measure feature, select the unit for the quantity.

    For serialized warranty items, the unit is disabled and is always set to the base unit on the item record.

    Reference Serial/Lot No.

    For serial or lot numbered items, enter the serial or lot number of the warranty item. Only hyphens and alphanumeric characters are allowed.

    Invoice Date

    Enter the transaction or posting date of the invoice.

    Original Warranty Terms

    This field displays the default term on the item record. Selecting another term may automatically change or remove the default values in the following fields:

    • Original Warranty Start Date

    • Warranty Expiration

    Original Warranty Start Date

    This field displays the calculated start date based on your preference. For more information, see Setting Warranty Preferences.

    Changing this default start date may automatically change or remove the default value in the Warranty Expiration field.


    You must enter a start date that is not later than the expiration date.

    Warranty Expiration

    This field displays the default expiration date on the item record.

    For Fixed and Calculated terms, enter the warranty expiration date or click the Calendar icon to pick a date. This field is disabled for Lifetime terms.


    The expiration date must not be set to a date later than the current date.

    Warranty Document

    Click the double arrows and then select List from the popup menu. Select the warranty document from the popup list.

    To upload a document, click the plus icon to create a new record where you can upload it.


    Enter additional warranty information.

    Ship To Address

    Enter your current delivery address to be used for shipping repaired and replacement items.

    You can only enter information in this field during the creation of a warranty registration. This field is disabled in edit mode.

    New Address

    This field is disabled for new registrations. You can enter an address in this field only when editing existing registration records. For more information, refer to the table in the topic,

  4. Click Save.

After saving a registration record, the status is set to Under Warranty. The status is automatically changed to Out of Warranty when the warranty is past the expiration date.

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