Select a File for Import

On the Scan & Upload CSV File page of the Import Assistant, indicate the file or files to be the source of imported CSV data.

For some record types, an option button is available to indicate whether one or multiple files will be uploaded. There is a limit of 25,000 records per uploaded file.

Select one or more CSV files to import by clicking the Select... buttons and browsing to the CSV files you want to import.

Click the Select buttons corresponding to the types of data you want to upload, and browse to the correct files. After you have added a file, its name appears. You can click the Remove button to select an alternate file.


If you need to edit or rename a file after selecting it, you must remove it and select it again after the changes. If you change the file in any way after selecting it and you click the Next > button, an error message is displayed.

The following screenshot shows file selection for a multi-file import:

Example of a multiple files import in Step 1.

Note the following:


If you are using a previously saved import map, your choice of one file or multiple files should be consistent with the original choice for the import map. If you choose one file for a map that previously used multiple files, or the reverse, some CSV file data may not be imported.

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